"Been using this for stress and Fibromyalgia illness and i find it triggers emotions (sometimes) that need healing. It is very relaxing once you get used to it. I think it is helping with my chronic anxiety too."

- Lola Smith

I have had such an incredible experience using your technology.

- Catherine Garceau, Olympic medalist, and author of Swimming Out of Water

"Thank you very much for your support in purchasing a DAVID ALERT Pro. One month has passed since I received the mind machine and I have used it with my son with the Settle Hyperactivity mode every morning and the Relax session every evening. I find remarkable improvements in his behavior. He has also started to learn much better and got his first positive appraisals from teachers. Next I am planning to exercise Mood sessions for concentration and logic. "

- Riga, Latvia, Europe

"Great customer service! Both getting and returning the device was fast and stressless. Just mailed it back and got the refund in a couple of days. Although Oasis was not seeming to help in my particular condition, I’m considering getting another device once my test results and diagnosis are finalized. Just want to thank the Mind Alive team again for their efficient work."

- Marina, Jul 2015


"N needed to be inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for an hour at a time, several times a week, for months in order to treat his advanced prostate cancer. He used the DAVID Delight Plus to help stay calm and peaceful during the course of the therapy and also at night to relax before bedtime. It helped tremendously! The customer service is excellent! Thanks to Dave and Carol at Mind Alive for always responding to what we needed."

- Testimonial D & N

"I wanted to share an anecdote that is fitting to the time...I had a 21-year-old male who has a severe phobia of shots...always faints. For his second COVID-19 shot, he did the deep extended relaxer prior to and during his shot and here is what his mother reported: "Just completed vaccine #2 . He listened to the track you suggested and literally he did not flinch, feel pain, or even remotely feel like fainting. He’s sitting here in the car chatting with us and seems totally fine. It was like a miracle just happened. I cannot thank you enough for introducing us to this system. Amazing!!!"

- Amanda G

"I bought my DAVID Delight Pro back in 2014. I own a business, and as it comes with the territory, I have lots of stress. During 2014 and 2015, I regularly used my DAVID and downloads of Lloyd Glauberman's various HPP programs as suggested by the Mind Alive website. My profits more than doubled that year, and I was happy doing it! I also wrote two books. This device really helped change my outlook on life. As is typical with many habits, my DAVID habit was replaced by other demands on my life, and it showed! More stress and less success. Then 2020 happened, so I decided to take myself seriously again. I started to use my DAVID Delight Pro and get my other habits organized to help me focus. Despite the insanity of this year, things are going pretty well. On a final note, I got the GAMMA session upgrades, and all I can say is WOW! I literally walked around after my first session saying "WOW!" I'm guessing I was a little tense before starting, but 30 minutes later, a totally new perspective! Thanks to the team at Mind Alive! You have a great product that I'm sure has helped countless people have better lives!"

- David Hastings Lloyd, R.Ac, R.TCMP

"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the Delight Plus. I have a history of family trauma, plus a head trauma. A lot of stress. I've tried the high Beta, the Schumann, SMR in this device plus CES. I tried a lot of different devices, technologies, and sessions over the years. You name it. I've tried it. Not much luck. With your high Beta I'd get an effect at first but then it wouldn't work as well over time and then it wouldn't work at all. Anything like SMR or Schumann just made me groggy and stuporous. These, I think, are called immobility/withdrawal responses. But when I started to use the SMR/Beta in Brain Booster and the Mood Booster 2 in Feeling Better the effects were astounding. Clear headedness, increased sociability, and energy. In the Mood Booster the effects were a kind of relaxation I've been trying to achieve with these kind of alternate devices for years and years. I didn't know a person could feel this way. I don't think I've ever felt this way. (I'm in my early 70's)."

- Owen Beall

"I have struggled with life-long anxiety due to ACE's (adverse childhood experiences). The very first time I used the Delight Pro I felt better - i.e., more calm and less "reactive". I have continued to improve and feel more at ease than I ever have. My wife and daughter use the Delight Pro for sleep issues and it is the most effective thing they've ever tried. I also use it to assist with learning new music (I play classical guitar). Specific sessions included are specially designed for just the purpose of improved learning. Cool! This is a truly unique device! I can hardly recommend it more."

- Marshall Hewitt

"I've been plagued my entire life by anxiety. This year I will be 50 and thought I would be stuck on medication (that didn't solve anything) for the rest of my life. 35 years with a lot of trial and error, medications, and counseling, I found what I believe is the last piece to my puzzle. I truly believe neurofeedback and Audio-Visual Entrainment are the answer. They speak the brain's language. I Love my Delight Pro. My brain is much calmer and I am now in the process of stopping the medications that just put a band-aid on things. I'm not afraid anymore. I can make plans and do things that I thought were lost to me. Thank you!"

- Stephanie Lande

"Thank you so much for making such an incredible product! I have been using the DAVID Delight Pro for about a month now and already I am feeling the benefits. PS - Last month I lost one of the ear clips while on vacation. You sent me two new ones. Thank you. An outstanding product coupled with exceptional customer service!"

- Cindy Daly

"I have been using this amazing Audio-Visual Entrainment device the last few weeks! The DAVID Delight has helped me get back into meditating daily and I notice a huge difference in stress reduction, and feel much more relaxed."

- Kim Duess

"In 1988, at the age of 32, I was injured in a serious motorcar accident. I was in a coma for 42 days. I had broken three neck vertebrae, sustained major brain damage and the doctors believed that I would never be much more than a vegetable. Their prognosis was that I would never again be able to take care of myself needed to be placed in Weskoppies, a psychiatric hospital in Pretoria. My stepmother intervened and managed to get me into another hospital. She asked individuals as well as international prayer groups to pray for my complete recovery. I started to make a miraculous, if slow, recovery. I have no recollection of this period in my life – my first memories after the accident are of myself learning to walk and write again about nine months after the accident. I spent the next two and a half years in physical and mental rehabilitation. In retrospect, I would say that it took me about seven years before I was a fully functional and fairly confident person again. My whole life had changed and I suffered from severe depression. I visited the best neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists available to try cure my depression. The verdict was always the same: they would experiment with pills until they got the best to treat the symptoms. There was no cure. Every year the prescriptions just got lengthier and the drugs heavier. A pill for sleep, pills for mood control, pills to wake up and pills to kill the sadness. In the end I realized that I was suffering from changes in character. Nobody could offer me any hope of total recovery. I tried alternative treatments such as acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal treatments – to no avail. At 50 my husband and I retired and moved to the South Coast. I kept researching to find something to help myself. One day, a friend handed me a leaflet advertising John Broome’s Mind Power and an apparatus that stimulates the brain to form new neural pathways and to produce its own neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins. In desperation I phoned John Broome and ordered the apparatus and subliminal CDs. Three weeks later I went to Gauteng to take delivery. John explained the simple way the machine works and how to use the subliminal recordings. This scientifically proven, cutting-edge technology introduced a new era in my life. For six weeks, on a daily basis, I did the 42 minute Alpha-to-Alpha/Beta session. In the beginning I needed a lot of support and encouragement from my husband, as I was still suffering from severe depression. From the fourth week, I could hardly wait for my daily sessions and after six weeks of daily sessions I was a different person. I reduced my medication under my doctor’s supervision. For the first time in years I had energy, and my curiosity and sense of humour returned. Due to the subliminal recordings that I listened to daily, my confidence and motivation to have a meaningful life returned. Although I felt like a new person, my memory and concentration was still lacking. I then started treating myself daily using the John Broome SMR/Beta 24-minute program for another six weeks. I also continued using the subliminal music as support. I decided to study further using correspondence courses. I enrolled for a Masters Degree with the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona, USA. My thesis was titled "Consciousness''. I continued with a PhD, and at the age of 55, I received my PhD from the University of Arizona. My doctoral thesis was titled "Meditation as Medication''. Today I am an ordained minister with International Metaphysical Ministries, a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist, an accredited Accelerated Learning Practitioner, an EFT Practitioner, and I practice various modalities of Energy Medicine. I believe without my brain machine and the subliminals this would never have been possible. It is humbling to acknowledge the lives I have touched by using the DAVID LS systems. Over the years, I have treated severe cases of depression, ADD and ADHD successfully. I have also helped people suffering from chronic pain, hypertension, severe stress, sportspeople seeking better performance, as well as people suffering from migraines and sleep disorders. As I write this testimony, I am suffused with intense gratitude – I am grateful to God for His grace, I am thankful to Dave Siever who has devoted his life to the development and perfection of a device that has such incredible potential, I am grateful to John Broome who is dedicated to improving the lives of people all over South Africa. I am intensely grateful that these remarkable people crossed my path and gave me back my life."

- Dr Maryna van der Berg, PhD

"I just wanted to write a review about the excellent customer service and experience I have received from Michael at mindmachines.com for the David Delight Pro. First, the DAVID Delight Pro has been an amazing device. My neurofeedback therapist said that neurofeedback wouldn't work on me because I was taking a benzodiazepine and indeed, I didn't notice a difference from the neurofeedback. We quit after 3 sessions. Conversely, I have noticed several differences since I got my DAVID Delight Pro with TruVu glasses. I have felt feelings I hadn't felt for years. I can actually soothe my body. My long-term severe depression is gone. My negative self-talk has radically decreased. I appreciate and enjoy silence more. I see more beauty outside of me. I am more present in the moment. Etc. etc. Michael has given me lots of helpful information, answered several of my calls and taken many of my questions, and further has been very kind and honest. I find him both generous and a pleasure to work with. It's nice to speak to a businessman and honestly believe he wants what is best for you and I'm on the skeptical side in that department. Further, Michael is not the manufacturer of the DAVID Delight Pro so you can feel comfortable with his speaking openly about other devices as well as The DAVID Delight Pro. I am very grateful for our conversations and have learned so much. Thank you, Mike! Thank you Mindmachines! And thank you Mind Alive! Their customer service has been excellent as well. I was not asked nor offered anything to write this review."

- Mark Thomas

"I honestly cannot live without my DAVID Delight Pro. Its CES function alone far surpasses the quality of the American models! But to have a device with so much more! Its a perfect fusion of CES and audio and visual entrainment. I've been able to share this device with others. My husband is a 23 year veteran of the Air Force and works with Veterans coming home from war. This would be so valuable to so many PTSD vets to help ease pain and depression and regain their mental focus. Its helped me with depression and fibromyalgia pain, as well as my ADHD. Thank God I found out about this amazing company!"

- Lynn Allison Nelson

"Great new website. It's clear that a lot of time and effort went into creating it. I particularly liked the research section - it was hard to find on the old site. Kudos to everyone involved. The new site reflects well on Mind Alive. I'm writing also to tell you that I've been using the Brain Booster #1 program for stress control and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. I have been so profoundly stressed from caring for my elderly mother with no chance to sit for more than a few minutes so no chance to meditate or use the device. I started using it in the morning when I first got up and within a week to 10 days I noticed how much calmer I felt. It's been a life saver for me after 2 emotional breakdowns from the stress."

- Dorothy John

"Congrats to Nancy and Dave. We still love your products. I introduce service members and their families to AVE and CES every week. Thanks for all your great work."

- Candise Leininger, MS, NCC, GCDF, LPC

"I have been using the Mind Alive Oasis Pro for the past few months and found the device to be very helpful with my anxiety and sleep problems. I felt the calming effects almost immediately and was able to reduce my medications within a couple of weeks, I have recommended it to friends and family."

- Kevin P

"I was unsure about using the Oasis Pro at first, but within a couple of weeks my mood seemed to improve and I haven't looked back since then."

- Bruce G

"I made an appointment with Dr. Saunders to receive help with bipolar depression and pain. I have struggled for over 15 years and have tried everything to find relief. Within just few months of receiving help from Dr. Saunders with TDCS and CES, my condition is in complete remission. I got my life back! I couldn't be more grateful! Dr. Saunders is one the most compassionate, positive, and insightful practitioners I have ever known. He has been a huge source of encouragement to me on my recovery journey. He has provided me with in depth knowledge, expertise, and coaching about brain training and the power of healing which has transformed my life. I feel confident to be able to use TDCS and CES for health on my own thanks to his help. I feel so grateful that Dr. Saunders believed in me. I feel completed liberated, strong, and empowered. I would highly recommend Dr. Saunders to anyone in need of healing and encouragement."

- Kate F.

"I use the DAVID to keep me on task and make me, as a day trader investor, at the top of my trading performance. There are mental trading coaches who address the same problems but it takes 3 to 6 months and costs thousands of dollars. Using the DAVID, I was able to get to that place in a couple of weeks and using the DAVID keeps me in 'mental' tune. I use my DAVID every day."

- Carl Dixon

"The DAVID Delight is amazing. I love the changes I am seeing. I used the CES by itself yesterday and wow, did it calm me down! All the features of the Delight Pro are incredible. Thank you for your product."

- Martha Nygaard

"I received my DAVID on Thursday of last week and have used five sessions. Within that short period of time, I have noticed dramatic improvement in my mood. I have suffered from depression and SAD most of my life. This time of year, I struggle to get up in the morning to get the kids off to school and start my own day. I have had to leave Corporate America to work from home because the mornings can be so tough. For the first time in a long time I woke up at 5:30 (an hour and a half before I need to get up) and felt refreshed and alive! I had time for a quiet cup of coffee by myself. This may seem like a small thing for some, but for me this is life changing and brought tears of joy to my eyes. Thank you so much!"

- Joy Kingsborough

"I have been a user of the DAVID since 2001. I was diagnosed bipolar about eight years ago after a long depression. I was introduced to the DAVID by my therapist and used a session every day for several years without fail. I felt during that time that I never would have survived without the sessions, which enabled me to reduce medications that I was taking. Over the years, I have noticed I have been able to control my bipolar moods without the aid of medications to control mania. I have been a straight A student in graduate school for the last two years. I wanted to encourage other to consider the DAVID for bipolar moods. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has about how the DAVID has helped me live with bipolar. Thank you for everything you and your company have done!"

- Elleanor McCoy

"In 2003/2004 after a long period of hard work with plenty of stress I developed a depression with bouts of irritation, irrational behaviour, mood swings and chronic fatigue as well as actual physical complaints. It lasted some time before I was ready to admit something was wrong which I couldn’t handle. My physician’s diagnosis was burnout / depression. I was prescribed Prozac and therapy. After a few weeks I felt some improvement. However, the mood swings and the fatigue did not disappear, with extra strain at work and in the home situation. I thought I could manage this by switching employers. Initially this worked, but after a while I (and the people around me) noticed a relapse. I sought professional help and landed in a clinic where I received therapy and biofeedback. The result was positive, but a q-EEG scan showed a considerable unbalance in the brain, specifically in the frontal left brain hemisphere, which showed an excess of slow activity. Following this research I was advised to undergo an amount of neurofeedback sessions. However, this was not practical due to my frequent travelling abroad and subsequently the alternative of AVE with a DAVID was suggested. The alertness was trained with the Beta Perker Session. From the start I did this every morning. I set the alarm half an hour earlier and ran the session while lying in bed. The result was amazing right away. Initially I even felt some areas in my head become comfortably warm and after completion of the session I was really alert and awake in a way I hadn’t experienced for a long time. Furthermore I ran the Depression Reduction Session for a certain amount of time at the end of the afternoon. This worked fantastically too. The serious fatigue at the end of the day soon became less and I felt better and better as well as more relaxed. The relaxing result of the session was so agreeable, that I looked forward running the session at the end of the day. I have done these sessions for several months and I noticed I a considerable improvement of my overall well-being. The people around me noticed the progress. The DAVID is so practical because I could take it on (business) trips, and therefore I was able to continue my sessions. Some six months later my depression and fatigue were gone. Currently I am able to severely cut down on the amount of Prozac. The psychotherapist at the clinic advised me to take another q-EEG scan to see if there was any measurable change. This was indeed the case. The unbalance between the two brain hemispheres and the slower brainwave activity have disappeared. I was so happy to see confirmed what I felt. I still use the PAL during the week for waking up and feeling alert, although I feel I don’t really need it anymore. I still run the C4 sessions but merely for enjoyment of relaxation. I enjoy my life and have plenty of energy. It is almost unbelievable that such a simple solution can have such an effect. This technique works so much better than swallowing pills. Furthermore: taking anti-depressants does not solve anything."

- Amersfoort, Netherlands

"I love this DAVID!!! I love the CES. I use it every day. I think of it before I think of medication when I'm anxious. The heartbeat sound is soothing and helpful. Thanks again for your awesome product!!!"

- J.G.

"Recently I purchased a DAVID for my wife. Within two months the effect of using the DAVID is a miracle. My wife had severe problems (depression), had treatment for the past three years with insufficient results. Daily use of the DAVID transformed her into a completely 'new' wife. The results are amazing. Her doctors don't believe what happened, so I introduced our DAVID. They are very interested."

- Mr. J. Kleefman

"I'd like to thank all of the staff at Mind Alive for developing such wonderful AVE Equipment. The impact it's had on me is second to none! I have been using the DAVID during my neurofeedback sessions, and the results are outstanding! It works extremely well, and has helped with many of my symptoms that occur with my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I was actually quite shocked at how well it worked the first time I used it, as it really calmed me down. Going into my next neurofeedback session, I remember being depressed with lot's of stress and anxiety. With that in mind, I asked my therapist if we could use the DAVID again since it worked so well the first time, and that's what we did. After my session was over, I felt great! The stress, the anxiety and depression all went away! The symptoms I had before using the DAVID that day were gone! I was in awe and could hardly believe what I had just experienced! I used it for my next couple of neurofeedback sessions and since it consistently kept working so well I just had to get one for myself, which is exactly what I did. I purchased the DAVID and have been using it for a while at home now, and I couldn't be happier with the amazing results I continue to receive. I am very thankful and grateful to have a product that works so well with my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I thank all of you at Mind Alive for helping not only myself, but so many other people as well. Keep up the amazing work!"

- Darrell Hute III

"I have been using the DAVID since December 2001 and it has had a profound impact on my life. Before using the unit, I was struggling with anxiety and depression. Since I began using the unit, not only have I been emotionally balanced, but I feel more energized. I also enjoy a new sense of well-being that I don't remember feeling before in my life for any length of time. I am enjoying my life like never before. I started searching for an answer the summer of 2001, when I was experiencing depression for long periods of time. I had called my doctor in tears, saying that I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin. I am 51 years old and I knew that my body was starting to experience some hormonal changes. After tracking these changes, I could see a pattern with my monthly cycle. Since I am very health conscious, I did not want to follow my doctor's advice of taking prescribed drugs. This was not an option I wanted to take. So I began looking for alternatives. I also knew that I had SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and felt that maybe light therapy could be an answer for both. I told a friend of mine that I was thinking about investing in a light visor. She told me about the DAVID Paradise and how studies have shown it more effective than light boxes or visors. I was able to use a unit for one week, and I was sold. But I was still a little skeptical. I asked more questions. This unit seemed too good to be true. It was too simple. I decided to buy one for myself and have used it almost every day. I use it every morning before I go off to work. I have more energy and think more clearly. Life is good again and it hasn't stopped being good. I solve problems from a balance state of mind and emotions. And I am truly grateful."

- Margaret O'Connor

"Just wanted to congratulate you on developing such a great product! I have suffered for years with anxiety, panic, and depression, but it wasn't until I found this site that I realized that my problem was directly related to an imbalance in the bio-electrics of my brain. And after thoroughly searching your website I realized that the DAVID had the programs I was looking for. Not only did you put a depression program on this device, but also there are several cognitive programs and specific ADD programs. Since part of my problem was related to slow brainwaves I knew this was the unit to go with. I bought the unit in late August and just over a month later I can honestly say that I feel great. It took some time figuring out which program was right, but after some experimentation I settled on the L10/R18 program for depression, with occasional supplementation using the session for ADD. I also have an old CES unit that seems to be the perfect compliment to the AVE stimulation. Using CES alone has never quite balanced me, but the DAVID has changed all that. I'm extremely happy with the DAVID and can't believe something so small and light can do so much... in fact, when I pulled it out of the box I was a little skeptical, to say the least. Now I'm alert, I have abundant energy, and most of all I'm balanced and happy. Thanks for a great product and keep up the good work. The DAVID Rocks!"

- Alan Mauro

"I've suffered from clinical depression for about 17 or 18 years and have been prescribed various anti-depressants, the latest being Effexor. I've been unable to go off anti-depressants because the depression would return whenever I tried. Last November and December, I took part in a research project on the DAVID. I used different sessions and found one session in particular seemed to feel the best, so I continued to use it. After about three to four weeks using this session, I began to feel great. I had much more energy and had an upbeat, positive attitude to everything I did. I felt so positive that I began to cut back on my anti-depressants. At the time, I was not sure my increased sense of well being was related to the use of the DAVID or if it was in response to the yoga and relaxation therapy I had been doing since the previous July. This increased sense of well-being began to be noticeable around the middle of December. My participation in the study ended sometime in early January. After three weeks off the DAVID, I was back to my usual tiredness even though I was also back up to my usual amount of medication and had continued to do my yoga and relaxation. I concluded that the DAVID was the trigger that had made me feel so much better. I have thus decided to purchase a unit. I feel this unit, along with other modalities of treatment (yoga, meditation, nutrition, exercise, physiotherapy) will, in all likelihood, enable me to feel much better and that I may even be able to eliminate taking medication for the depression. This is a wonderful device and I do not hesitate to recommend it to others."

- Ann Schuster

"I wanted to write this to remind you what a wonderful, powerful and very important technology you have developed. The DAVID is a tool that has irreversibly altered my life in untold ways I have spent the majority of my last 38 years a prisoner of intractable depression. Suicidal ideation was part of my everyday thought processes. After years of psychotherapy with about a dozen (or so) therapists, quality nutritional interventions, regular efforts toward exercise, work with Tony Robbins, studies of NLP and other approaches, numerous tape programs, mediation, hypnosis, spiritual exploration, various healing methods, visualization and even antidepressants (I am fortunately endowed with being incredibly resourceful AND persistent) I was still stuck with a relentless undercurrent that was depression. It's not that these other interventions did nothing - on the contrary. Many of these interventions gave me a tremendous new dimensionality, depth, humanism and understanding and served to improve, in some cases VASTLY, the quality of my life. But depression has a physiological component that these other things could not address in a physically foundational sort of way. Nutrition and exercise were mostly management tools, medication merely an effort at symptom-relief (which, ultimately, created more problems than it solved). Then, one miraculous evening I stumbled across an article about a new type of technology known as Light and Sound (also known as Audio-Visual Stimulation, or AVS). I had heard of Biofeedback and Alpha-training, so the concept of brainwaves corresponding to mind states wasn't entirely foreign to me. A light went on in my head. Of course! It only made sense to me that if the bioelectric functioning of my brain was off - if the brainwave activity of my brain was dysregulated - so would the biochemistry be. This technology presented the possibility of renewing my entire nervous system and finally getting at and repairing the cracked foundation. Although I was also inclined to feel skeptical (if not jaded) and quite frankly pessimistic about anything new that came along, that didn't thwart me from doing a little research. I began making calls to anyone who was anyone in the country (and Canada) willing to talk to me. I got my hands on books, other publications and articles and devoured them. I was convinced there was something here worth trying. I did a little more ground work and decided, after looking at everything else, upon your machine. It was clearly state-of-the-art AND, without doubt, the best researched of any other such AVS device. I reasoned that if I was going to hook something up to my brain, I wanted it to be "properly calibrated". I told no one (save the person living with me at the time) what I was doing. I simply ordered the DAVID and suspended both belief and disbelief. When it arrived I unpacked it immediately and hooked myself up. In those days, few had heard of "beta training", and alpha-training seemed to have some rather interesting, if not mystical potential. So I took the grand leap and launched right into a theta session. Down...down...the frequencies went until my heart began to race and I grew suddenly short of breath. Panic attack. Many types of memory are "state dependent", particularly traumas. It is theorized that they get encoded in certain frequencies that the mind then "quarantines" in order to protect the psyche from re-experiencing something highly negative. The alpha-theta border is the mind's richest repository of repressed material, and I have stumbled across and apparently opened some hidden anxiety closet. After composing myself and reassuring my psyche that it was not in danger of unraveling I elected to climb back in the saddle again and give it another go. Subsequent sessions yielded little, if any trouble. They were, in actuality, rather pleasant and uneventful excursions that left me feeling relaxed and refreshed. I continued my experiment for the next two or so weeks, oblivious to the profound impact this was actually having on my psyche. Finally, a friend who had noticed a quantum shift in my attitude and overall demeanor approached me. They wondered what I was doing that was changing me so dramatically: "What ARE you doing with yourself - I've NEVER seen you like this before..." It was at this moment I realized that I was feeling considerably lighter, more confident, clearer than ever before and, in fact, free, for the first time, from depression. Never before had my psyche known such liberation. I was ecstatic. I knew I was onto something here. Here was this device, simple to use and relatively affordable, that I was able to own and use at my personal convenience. And it had applications to my psyche I had not even begun to explore. A whole new universe of possibility had opened up to me and I was bound and determined to explore it to its farthest reaches. I am still on that journey today. Although I have since refined my gains with AVS and have gone on to solidify things with Neurofeedback, which has given me the ultimate freedom and autonomy, I find the combination to be quite powerful. Some recent research has even demonstrated that AVS use can cut the number of Neurofeedback sessions needed roughly IN HALF. And at a fraction of the cost. Nonetheless, I continue my wonderful work with Neurofeedback and AVS, along with some other technologies from time to time - all to enhanced and cumulative effect. Today, I am indisputably FREE. Panic attacks, which frequently plagued me, have vanished. I have also lost a significant amount of weight - probably around 30 lbs. I now have far too much energy and passion to be sedentary. I run 3 miles around a lake daily (rain or shine) at 5:00 am expect for a couple of days a week when I weight train. I also play tennis, kayak, bicycle, camp, hike, backpack, chop wood (I'm from Minnesota - I have a cabin that heats with wood), body-build and rock climb. I also X-C ski and snowshoe in winter. Before, I had to FORCE myself into the gym once or twice a week – and even then, inconsistently. Other than that I watched a lot of TV. Now I THRIVE in physical activity. It is hugely enjoyable to me. I am extremely fit. It feels effortless; not obsessive. Honestly. I work hard at my job, which I love (EEG Spectrum's US/Canadian Midwest Regional Representative - the world leader in Neurofeedback), do some nutritional counseling and lead a full life socially, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I am also much more easily consistent with my diet and supplementation. My health and immune system are superb. All the incredible energy that once went into mere survival is now free (at long last) to accomplish other things. It has been roughly 5 years to-date since my introduction to the DAVID. I have seen many others, with a variety of problems, dramatically benefit from your work in that time, as well. My focus (for myself) with AVS and Neurofeedback is much more on Peak Performance now. I am tempted to say I am a new person, but in truth I am actually much, much more of Who I already was. My human potential is now available to me. What a breathtaking gift. Thank you, Dave, for your wonderful machine and all the quality research and integrity you put into it. You greatly deserve the growing legitimacy and acclaim for what you do. The importance of your work cannot be underestimated. Thank you, in part, for my freedom. And thank you for your warm, loyal, wonderful and ongoing friendship. I shall treasure it always."

- Nora Gedgaudas


"This is a testimonial about using AVE and Electrical-stimulation with my 12 year-old daughter, Katie Laurance, who has ADD, auditory processing difficulties, and dysgraphia. Katie has recently completed a three-week session of entrainment using the device we bought from Mind Alive. Katie, who is normally quite anxious, seems notably calmer and is definitely sleeping better. We didn’t mention to her teachers that we were trying this. We received an email from Katie's special-education teacher, which arrived completely unsolicited early last week stating that she was impressed with Katie during problem solving and can see that she has come a long way in other areas. This is the first time we've had such an email from her. Katie also did very well in an athletic event last week (3rd place out of 47 competitors in a school cross-country run)—and this from a girl who normally does not wish to compete at all and has been known to 'melt down' under pressure. It might just be coincidence, but if so it is a notable coincidence. Katie seems to have responded so well to the Audio-Visual Entrainment (using the mode most appropriate for ADD) we would like to use it long term."

- William F. Laurance, FAAAS Distinguished Research Professor & Australian Laureate Prince Bernhard Chair in International Nature Conservation Director of ALERT (ALERT-conservation.org)

"Thank you very much for your support in purchasing a DAVID ALERT Pro. One month has passed since I received the mind machine and I have used it with my son with the Settle Hyperactivity mode every morning and the Relax session every evening. I find remarkable improvements in his behavior. He has also started to learn much better and got his first positive appraisals from teachers. Next I am planning to exercise Mood sessions for concentration and logic."

- Riga, Latvia

"First of all, "WOW!!" What a life changer! I am no longer taking Adderall and my memory has improved, my hyperactivity is gone - I am a new person! The ALERT Pro has definitely been a game changer!"

- Dawn Austin

"I honestly cannot live without my DAVID Delight Pro. Its CES function alone far surpasses the quality of the American models! But to have a device with so much more! Its a perfect fusion of CES and audio and visual entrainment. I've been able to share this device with others. My husband is a 23 year veteran of the Air Force and works with Veterans coming home from war. This would be so valuable to so many PTSD vets to help ease pain and depression and regain their mental focus. Its helped me with depression and fibromyalgia pain, as well as my ADHD. Thank God I found out about this amazing company!"

- Lynn Allison Nelson

"I bought the ALERT for my teenage son, Emile, who was struggling in school and diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. For some reason, Emile acted like a recluse, always in his room, by himself. However, when Emile used the ALERT, I immediately noticed a change in him. He woke up in a good mood, often singing and laughing. Even my husband (who would not notice if the house was burning down) commented that Emile was becoming animated again. Emile is now expressing his emotions. He hugs back rather than shunning affection. He answers verbally. In the past, he would just shrug his shoulders and act like he didn’t know or care. Now Emile makes eye contact and is good at conversation. In the past, Emile would carry his feelings around for a long time, and not let go. Now, he seems to bounce back and get over things in no time. Two of Emile's teachers noticed that his confidence is improving. He used to be shy but now he smiles and strikes up a conversation. I also noticed that Emile's handwriting has improved, as well as his attitude about writing. Another area of improvement is sports. Previously, Emile's football coach complained that Emile was distracted in the middle of the match, but now all of that has changed. Emile is kicking the football like a star. He was man of the match last week! Emile's other teachers commented that he is more interested in schoolwork, more respectful, more settled, and more willing to do work. Emile even asks for more work and doesn't bother the other students."

- Betty

"My son has been using your Alert machine for a few weeks now...Words cannot do justice for the way I feel about it...I have been telling everyone about it...everyone who will listen. "

- Betty Stephenson Ashley

"I just placed an order for an ALERT PRO and 2 sets of Tru-Vu glasses. The products are far superior to any other AVS device I have tried with the students in my school and the clients in my private counseling/neurostimulation practice. And as if that were not enough, I am about a one-third of the way through Mr. Siever’s neurostimulation online course and enjoying that very much."

- Patrick Young, M.Ed., M.S., LCPC, CADC

"I purchased the DAVID ALERT Pro for my son who has ADD. His biggest problem was difficulty falling asleep - he said he was thinking too much and couldn't sleep. I tried the Relax 5 Session. It was like magic, so I used it every night and without fail, he'd fall right to sleep. Eventually I didn't have to use it any more - he was able to sleep. Every now and then we run a session when he has a hard time falling asleep, but mostly it's not a problem anymore. I purchased the viewhole glasses so we can explore some of the learning sessions."

- Vickie Ngala

"I have been using the light and sound machine for a week now, and am experiencing being able to see my situation from a different perspective. I realize now that I must have ADD or the ADHD or something similar and have had it for most of my life. I had no idea. It has felt like if I was a computer that I didn't have enough ram, which in itself has caused a lot of problems, upsets and frustration. I have read books, taken so many transformational courses, and although they made a difference in my life, nothing has made a difference to my condition. I have felt so isolated from people and life. I feel the machine is making a difference, and now I can see what has been off. It has been like I have been in a dark room full of quicksand. the more I move and try to get out the more stuck I get or upset someone or myself. As I said for the first time I feel someone has turned on the light and I can see the situation I have now been in most of my life and do something about it. Thank you so much, Nicky, for the radio interview you did with Patrick Timpone that opened my eyes."

- Bruce Hull

"Nicky is a teen-hood friend of mine and I recently hooked up with her again. I got her book and the ALERT machine. Now my whole family is using the machine. My 12-year-old son loves it too. Our doctor noticed that my son is more focused and was just amazed at the difference. I told her it was because of the ALERT light and sound machine. The doctor was very interested and I told her to look up this website. I didn't want to tell her about it previously because I wanted to make sure it wasn't a placebo effect. Now, others who knew nothing about my son using the machine have also noticed the change that I'm seeing. Thanks so much for your book and the time you took to write it and invest in other's lives."

- Lynne B

"I want to let you know, my son used the David Delight Pro, twice now. First session was on Wednesday morning; Brain Booster 3 with CES. I was astonished with the results from the first session. After, I asked him how he felt, and not only did he say he felt good, he was emphatic when he said it. I actually saw a difference in his face and eyes. Honestly, I was amazed, because he looked as though he gained 10 IQ points in the first session! He was extremely happy and energetic for the rest of the day. Day two, I tried the Brain Booster 4 with CES. Again, great results. He was actually talking with enthusiasm about going to a program in the coming weeks, and starting a new life for himself once he has completed the 5-6 month program. Also, I watched him do some challenging computer brain training games just to observe his functioning, and he was very focused and motivated, and noting himself, his clear thinking with excitement! I ONLY wish I had known of your company when he was younger. I feel quite frustrated that none of the teachers or specialists he saw ever suggested anything more than Ritalin, which did nothing for him. I've done a few sessions myself, and am extremely happy with the clearheaded feeling it gives me! I plowed through a pile of paperwork I've been putting off for weeks! Also, I got all of the supplements you recommended, and he has begun taking them. "

- PT

"I heard about AVE from Mr. Krish Srikanth in India. I bought it from him while I was in India. For my migraine issues and for focus and increase in memory, alertness and awareness. My son is in the Swim Team and has started using it ...his lack of focus and issues with being irresponsible have been resolved to a large extent. Deep gratitude for all your efforts in making AVE so easy and mobile (bag it and move).God Bless You for alleviating human suffering and worries."

- Deepa Somani

"I have been using the SMR/Beta sessions and I am so happy with the results. I am so much more relaxed and focused on my work. I always suspected I had ADD features but never put it through test. In my practice, I developed several treatment plans for different symptoms which is showing great success potential. I have included your products as part of the plan. So far, all the devices are being used at home by my patients and it is all good, especially those with anxiety disorders and ADD/ADHD."

- Iris Pitaluga

"As a father of two children and a wife (or is it myself) with mild ADHD, I hesitated to 'hook us all up' before truly understanding the product. I won't pretend to be an expert after two days, but certainly feel comfortable now about using this products as a means of overcoming faulty family dynamics and occasional school "hurdles". In four days time, we've already been successful using the Delight Pro and ALERT sessions to: (1) Get everyone to fall asleep and stay asleep at a decent time (5 stars) (2) Calm myself down before the morning routine gets started (5 stars) (3) Have my 10-year-old son read for half an hour without interruption (5 stars) (4) Reduce my daughter's anxieties prior to school tests and basketball/tennis games (jury still out, but I'm optimistic) If you are a parent that doesn't wait until college to truly invest in your children, yourself or any other loved ones, this device should replace the X-Box or Nintendo in your home."

- Mark Szymczak

"I'm very thankful to have found your company and the DAVID. It's opening up a world of opportunity for me. I have been using the DAVID for over six months now. I find I get fewer headaches than I used to, and I'm enjoying very good overall health. This last spring, I also discovered that I have ADD. How coincidental that the DAVID is also a great tool for this particular condition."

- Peter Rayment

"As I use the DAVID, I find more and more things that I like about your machine. I went to a play with some friends this past weekend andthey asked me what had happened to me. I have felt the winter blues just fade away in the short time I have been using your product. I used to wake up in such a fog and now it is just a joy. I have been singing and humming all day long while I work. i use the CES only while watching TV or listening to music. After 30 minutes I feel so calm and serene. Besides lifelong ADHD, I have neuropathy in my feet as I also have been living with HIV/AIDS for 23 years, so keeping my stress levels in check is very important. I have used many alternative methods to keep my life in balance and still am quite vibrant and alive but this winter has been pretty hard on me and the depression/anxiety was mounting strong. I noticed such a difference just three days after using your DAVID. I would choose my new DAVID over using a light box for SAD any day. I have decreased my ADD medication by one third with your product and my doctor's supervision."

- Kurt Scott

"My son and I have been using DAVID ALERT for 15 days (once per day). We both have ADHD and we are both on medication for several years. Against all expectations, my son has been off medication for five days and it is going really well! Once a month we tried to have him off medication for one day but our trials threw us into despair: without medication, our son's behaviour was very stressful. Medication works well for school and concentration but I worried about the lack of appetite which is a side effect of the medication. Our son is not putting on normal amount of weight nor growing well. Without the medication our son was very agitated and put himself and others in danger. In the evening, once the medication stopped working, he had many rows with all of us and I spent my time really stressed out at the thought of "what is he going to do next?" So, after only 15 days, there are significant positive changes for us. I also stopped medication for a week. I find the sessions extremely relaxing and I find myself very refreshed after having had them. Our son and I are really enjoying our daily sessions with the DAVID ALERT and we don't need to be reminded to do it because it is rather pleasurable to slide into this state of deep relaxation. Our son is much more centered. Eventually, the whole family tried it . My husband is working long hours in a very stressful environment. He says it is a fantastic way to relax at work during the lunch break and be "back at full speed" afterwards. Our other two children do not have ADHD but enjoy it all the same to relax. So it seem to work for everyone here, ADHD or not!"

- Danielle

"I want to share a success story with you. It involves my first study subject using the DAVID that began last year. His name is TC, age 19. He had completed his freshman year at college and had significant problems academically. He had been on Wellbutrin and Concerta throughout his freshman year, to no avail. He underachieved badly and had tremendous difficulty getting organized and staying focused. He is an alcohol and drug free person, so there were no substance abuse issues. Over the summer, I began using the DAVID with him. He discontinued his medication with the knowledge and cooperation of his psychiatrist and improved in mood, attitude and behaviour over the next eight weeks to the point where his parents purchased a system for him to take back to school and use. Needless to say, he did exceedingly well during his sophomore year, has stayed off the medication, and is now in Italy as a visiting student from his college in New York. When TC returned for a visit at Thanksgiving and came in to say hello, he was bright-eyed, focused, engaging, smiling; it was just a joy to behold the newly found confidence he exuded. So, thank you for your efforts in doing the work that you do."

- Paul Botticelli

"We came across the DAVID by accident, but what a godsend this device has proven to be. The DAVID proved to be a brilliant solution to help combat ADD. We have also used the device continuously to relieve stress and bring a calming mood to the staff at Helping Hands UK Org. We fully recommend and applaud the DAVID and would encourage any organizations such as ours to utilize such a device. We cannot recommend this device enough."

- Graham J. Hadlington Helping Hands UK Org

"I just wanted to give you a two-week update on Kirsten. As you know she is borderline ADHD. Her teacher started using a checklist for concentration prior to the spring break in March. On average she had a 6 or 7 out of 10 possible checkmarks. Over the past week she has had a perfect score everyday. At home, Glen and I are finding her much more cooperative, less argumentative and she is doing her homework without bouncing up and down 100 times. I asked the teacher for work to be completed at home today and she has been working on it for the past two hours without complaint! Unbelievable! One of the biggest changes is her attitude towards us. She realizes right away that she stepped over the line and apologizes almost immediately. Her temper outbursts are almost non-existent. P.S. Glen tried a session when he had a headache and his headache went away."

- Karen Rodway

"Just a few lines to say thank you for the replacement Omniscreen. It's working wonders for a number of different problems (insomnia, relaxation, child with ADD) The DAVID is an amazing tool. Again let me say thank you for replacing the Omniscreen so quickly and being such nice folks."

- Sinead Nulty

"I'm a 33-year-old man with ADD, and I have found something that I would like to share. Over the last few weeks, I have been trying Entrainment Therapy. Basically, I'm using pre-programmed sequences of flashing lights as well as pulsed tones to change the hertz frequency of my mind. Sounds strange I know, but since I found Mind Alive and their entrainment therapy gizmo, I've noticed a pronounced improvement in my ADD. I'm out of the house, and on my way to work in 15 minutes, instead of 45 I'm able to remain task oriented far better I can perform simple tasks such as getting dressed, or doing the dishes, far faster than ever before My frustration levels have dropped significantly I'm not a salesman, or an agent for this company, I'm just a customer who has had a life-changing result from entrainment therapy."

- Mark Meincke

"Wow, it's been two months since I received my DAVID, and I have been using it every day. I like it. And I want to thank Dave and Nancy for being so helpful on the phone, as that was key to my purchase. Thanks. My friends say that I am calmer, that my hand tremor isn't as noticeable, and having ADD, I appreciate session 83 as well as a few other favorites, like 20 and 30. The beauty is that this makes meditation so easy, as I don't have to worry about falling asleep, unless I want to. My creativity has improved. I drive for a living, and feel that I am better focused, thanks to the sessions with the DAVID."

- Mark Belisle

"Life was a nightmare! We really did think life was a nightmare. Ever since our son was in kindergarten. That's when it all began. David, our son, was a very happy baby and a happy little boy. We were so excited when he started kindergarten because he was so bright. We took him to pre-kindergarten screening. Everything from speech and hearing to motor skills. The nurses and therapists seemed to be very impressed with David. His skills were good. But then they tested him for things that took a lot of attention. And of course I, as his mother, thought he had done exceptionally well. But the 'professionals' very quickly recommended that my husband and I hold David back from school for one year. That's when the nightmare began. The first parent-teacher conference we had went rather well. But David's attention span was not what it should have been for a six year old. We went on through kindergarten with the end result being, that the school felt like David should be held back. We refused to sign the paperwork. Then came first grade. The problems became even worse. After a while I finally admitted that possible David did in fact have a problem. And again the school insisted that David be held back. We agreed. David was then tested by the school psychologist. Having known the man for a number of years, I trusted his opinion. He very tactfully told us that he thought David might have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). The doctor began with Ritalin. The 'miracle drug for children with ADD. I began a diary of David's daily activities and moods. Things did not seem to be getting any better. I was still getting daily phone calls from his first grade teacher. So the dosage was increased. Again no change. Again the dosage was increased. That's when we started seeing a little change. But again the dosage was increased. At this point David was taking the maximum dosage for a child his size. He began having side effects from the medication. At this point the doctor changed him to Cylert. On a very low dosage we began seeing what we thought to be miracles. David's school work was being completed. He didn't have as much homework. And he was almost back to the normal David we thought we had lost. Then the D.A.R.E. Program started at school. This really affected David. He was tired of taking drugs, and he didn't want anyone to know he took anything. They might call him a'druggy'. This is when we went to our doctor, Dr. Aaron Kaufman, and he was so excited about this treatment he had gotten in California. It was called a Digital Audio Visual Integration Device (DAVID). And Aaron began doing his very best to get our David and the DAVID machine together. He also took David off of the Ritalin. After the first treatment there was just a minor change. He could ride all the way home without jabbering. This was approximately a 10-mile ride. We were elated. And of course we continued the treatments. We never told his teachers that we were doing anything about David's lack of attention or hyperactivity. We just let it ride. But after each session, we noticed a little more change. The homework was getting done, there was less of it, and David seemed much happier. Even though we were having a few crisis at home. David was handling them very well. But in February, 1992, things began to happen. It was like David had bloomed. The homework was down to a minimum, and my husband and I were truly ready for the upcoming parent-teacher conference. The teacher started off with 'Has something changed at home? David is doing wonderfully! His homework is complete, his grades are up, and his attention in class is unbelievable! The very first GOOD conference we had ever had with any of David's teachers. His grades all came up but one. And that was reading. But he did maintain the C that he was carrying. We have continued to see remarkable things happen to David. As a result of the good grades he made it on the Merit Roll. This is not so much for grades as it is for progress. As a result of the DAVID, our David is much easier to live with as a person. There are no more repeated instructions, no more senseless fights with his little sister (who is six years younger). Life is just so much easier now. I couldn't even begin to put into words the relief, the happiness and the thankfulness that the DAVID has brought to our David and our family. In closing, I think any parent with a child who is having problems of any kind, learning, behavioral, psychological, any problem should be addressed by the DAVID. Thanks for ending our nightmare and making life just a little bit easier!"

- Gwenda Travis

"My son has always had difficulty concentrating in school. He has been suspended, expelled and transferred from several schools since grade 1. Karl had to move to Edmonton in order to have access to programs and additional aide. Karl began using the DAVID in October of 1997. Since using the DAVID, my mother has witnessed encouraging changes in Karl. Karl has become more cooperative at home and at school. We would recommend that any child suffering from ADD difficulties take advantage of the benefits of using this device. Rather than using drugs, we strongly suggest that parents at least make an attempt to use the DAVID first."

- Michelle Mackay

"My son has ADD/ADHD and as a result has problems concentrating in school. He has also been getting into fights in the schoolyard. I first heard about the DAVID on the news. He has been using the unit since the end of November and the change in him has been very dramatic. He no longer gets into fights at school, and has a better concentration in the classroom. He is a lot calmer and is able to focus better. His teacher has also noticed a change. He does his work in class, and has very little homework now. She commented to me, 'It's as if he no longer has ADD/ADHD.' He is a lot happier now and does not get as frustrated as he was before using the DAVID unit. I would recommend the DAVID to anyone who has children with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The results are astonishing! Thanks for all your help with my son."

- Diana Bierworth

"At the end of grade two, June 94 in a discussion with my son Daryn’s Special Ed teacher, she indicated that he would require learning assistance until at least the end of grade nine due to Daryn’s inability to read proficiently and his inability to concentrate. Daryn has exhibited signs of extremely active behavior from a very early age. During kindergarten he received testing and we were informed he showed all of the symptoms of AD/HD. Daryn found the educational system very challenging from the first day of ECS, his learning to read almost tore our family apart. By the end of grade one neither my husband nor I would attempt to read with him because he couldn’t concentrate long enough to visually recognize the word STAR. He is fascinated with stars, space etc, this simple word frustrated him totally as did words like THE and AND. It also made him really recognize internally for the first time that he was different and that hurt him a lot. What it also did was make him very competitive in any areas of his life where he was having any success to compensate for the pain and lack of success in the scholastic arena. This of course lead to a whole other set of problems aside from the academic challenges he was already facing. In October 1994 we were fortunate enough to learn about the DAVID though a local television show followed by an evening seminar. By this point we had nothing to lose as neither my husband nor I believe that the masking of symptoms through the use of medication is a lifetime solution. We had tried a number of things including diet modification with only marginal results if any. We purchased the audio-visual entrainment (AVE) unit and gave our son a future. In early November 1995, I was asked to attend a meeting about Daryn at his school. The number of individuals that they indicated were attending was more than at any previous meeting From experience I had learned really bad news seems to take teamwork to deliver, the worse the news the bigger the team. Therefore I was extremely apprehensive, even though Daryn seemed to be doing better than ever, really enjoying school and having real success in all areas as evidenced by the marks he was achieving in his note books and on his homework assignments. At that meeting I received the second best bit of news in my son’s life to date. The first was at birth when I was told by his pediatrician that a birth defect affecting the shape of his skull would in no way impair or affect his intellectual capabilities nor with time would have any cosmetic affects. The news was that the school felt that if Daryn kept up his academic performance for the rest of the school year, he should be removed from the special program as he would have progressed beyond the program and could function satisfactorily in regular class with only a modified Language Arts program. He was the first person in our county ever to leave the program because he had academically moved beyond it. The reason all those attending the meeting were there, was to share in this first of its kind success. So I guess the moral of that story is that it takes the biggest teams to share great news. Well, we are now a year later and Daryn has had his first report card as a student in standard class. His lowest mark was in math, 62%. His teacher says this no way accurately reflects reality, this is him mark in spite of submitting less than half of his grade 5 math homework assignments. His highest mark was in Science at 79%. He is now reading at the top end of Grade four level. At the rate he is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is required to follow the standard grade 6 Language Arts Program. The comments section was our biggest joy, 'Works well with others. Works well in group situations. Is co-operative. Is really fun to have in the class. Like many other families, we suffered all of the pain, agony and frustration that a learning impairment entails. The audio-visual entrainment system, the DAVID, is giving our son the future we would never have dreamed possible just over two years ago. If I had only one wish, it would be that all children who may be symptomatic of ADD or AD/HD or any learning impairment that has a comprehension component, at least have the same opportunity to experience success as our son has, because every child should have the right to future."

- Deb St. Jean

"Mitchell's vocabulary has increased from approximately 15 words to 35 words over a two-week period. For the first time ever, we are able to communicate clearly with him. We have observed many wonderful new things he is now able to do. These are all great accomplishments for Mitchell." - Penny Siminiuk, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA "Jordan's attitude at home has improved greatly. He is now able to discuss situations rather than fight about them. His marks and behavior in school have improved greatly." - Patty Tucker, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA "Adam has made improvements in many areas such as sleep, school, and social skills. We are very happy." - Eileen Hannah, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA "Ryan is much more cooperative now. He recently brought home a mark of 95% in a course he was failing in just last semester." - Debbie Snatynchuk, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA "Kyle is sleeping better. He was able to sit the whole session and really enjoyed himself!!!" - Jeannine Hepburn, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA "Dallas has gone through a dramatic change. He is now much calmer and relaxed. He is progressing very well in school and has gone up the equivalent of three grade point levels. He has settled down a lot. I truly believe this works!" - Karen Hihn, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

- More Testimonials From Happy Parents


"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the Delight Plus. I have a history of family trauma, plus a head trauma. A lot of stress. I've tried the high Beta, the Schumann, SMR in this device plus CES. I tried a lot of different devices, technologies, and sessions over the years. You name it. I've tried it. Not much luck. With your high Beta I'd get an effect at first but then it wouldn't work as well over time and then it wouldn't work at all. Anything like SMR or Schumann just made me groggy and stuporous. These, I think, are called immobility/withdrawal responses. But when I started to use the SMR/Beta in Brain Booster and the Mood Booster 2 in Feeling Better the effects were astounding. Clear headedness, increased sociability, and energy. In the Mood Booster the effects were a kind of relaxation I've been trying to achieve with these kind of alternate devices for years and years. I didn't know a person could feel this way. I don't think I've ever felt this way. (I'm in my early 70's)."

- Owen Beall

"In 1988, at the age of 32, I was injured in a serious motorcar accident. I was in a coma for 42 days. I had broken three neck vertebrae, sustained major brain damage and the doctors believed that I would never be much more than a vegetable. Their prognosis was that I would never again be able to take care of myself needed to be placed in Weskoppies, a psychiatric hospital in Pretoria. My stepmother intervened and managed to get me into another hospital. She asked individuals as well as international prayer groups to pray for my complete recovery. I started to make a miraculous, if slow, recovery. I have no recollection of this period in my life – my first memories after the accident are of myself learning to walk and write again about nine months after the accident. I spent the next two and a half years in physical and mental rehabilitation. In retrospect, I would say that it took me about seven years before I was a fully functional and fairly confident person again. My whole life had changed and I suffered from severe depression. I visited the best neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists available to try cure my depression. The verdict was always the same: they would experiment with pills until they got the best to treat the symptoms. There was no cure. Every year the prescriptions just got lengthier and the drugs heavier. A pill for sleep, pills for mood control, pills to wake up and pills to kill the sadness. In the end I realised that I was suffering from changes in character. Nobody could offer me any hope of total recovery. I tried alternative treatments such as acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal treatments – to no avail. At 50 my husband and I retired and moved to the South Coast. I kept researching to find something to help myself. One day, a friend handed me a leaflet advertising John Broome’s Mind Power and an apparatus that stimulates the brain to form new neural pathways and to produce its own neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins. In desperation I phoned John Broome and ordered the apparatus and subliminal CDs. Three weeks later I went to Gauteng to take delivery. John explained the simple way the machine works and how to use the subliminal recordings. This scientifically proven, cutting-edge technology introduced a new era in my life. For six weeks, on a daily basis, I did the 42 minute Alpha-to-Alpha/Beta session. In the beginning I needed a lot of support and encouragement from my husband, as I was still suffering from severe depression. From the fourth week, I could hardly wait for my daily sessions and after six weeks of daily sessions I was a different person. I reduced my medication under my doctor’s supervision. For the first time in years I had energy, and my curiosity and sense of humour returned. Due to the subliminal recordings that I listened to daily, my confidence and motivation to have a meaningful life returned. Although I felt like a new person, my memory and concentration was still lacking. I then started treating myself daily using the John Broome SMR/Beta 24-minute program for another six weeks. I also continued using the subliminal music as support. I decided to study further using correspondence courses. I enrolled for a Masters Degree with the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona, USA. My thesis was titled "Consciousness''. I continued with a PhD, and at the age of 55, I received my PhD from the University of Arizona. My doctoral thesis was titled "Meditation as Medication''. Today I am an ordained minister with International Metaphysical Ministries, a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist, an accredited Accelerated Learning Practitioner, an EFT Practitioner, and I practise various modalities of Energy Medicine. I believe without my brain machine and the subliminals this would never have been possible. It is humbling to acknowledge the lives I have touched by using the DAVID LS systems. Over the years, I have treated severe cases of depression, ADD and ADHD successfully. I have also helped people suffering from chronic pain, hypertension, severe stress, sportspeople seeking better performance, as well as people suffering from migraines and sleep disorders. As I write this testimony, I am suffused with intense gratitude – I am grateful to God for His grace, I am thankful to Dave Siever who has devoted his life to the development and perfection of a device that has such incredible potential, I am grateful to John Broome who is dedicated to improving the lives of people all over South Africa. I am intensely grateful that these remarkable people crossed my path and gave me back my life."

- Dr Maryna van der Berg, PhD

"I had seen the DAVID Delight Pro device and wanted one for several years to help with sleep issues, but simply could not justify the price…or so I thought. Also a concern was whether it actually worked, was it medically safe and was it simply a psychological “trick” or gimmick. On 6 October 2015, I sustained a fairly severe concussion and subsequent intense headaches, so intense I missed work for weeks and when I finally did return to work, could only stand to do so part-time for over a month. I had intense headaches, sleep loss, mood swings and memory loss. So though not specifically mentioned in many places for treatment of concussion issues, I decided between my meditation practice, my sleep issues, my aversion to chemicals and my desire to alleviate the pain at almost all costs, I invested the money in the device. While the device certainly has helped at all levels, specifically, in regards to the concussive symptoms, I found varying my focus on the “images” or patterns presented by the glasses, my symptoms of pain and nausea started to lessen and then disappear within only two uses of the device. Within 4-5 days I was going several hours without pain and could fall asleep within 20 minutes. I have now been using it for 7 months. My eye therapy (I had a vestibular alignment issue from the concussion) progressed much faster than my therapists had anticipated. It’s also important to note that I am a very physically active person with a very high pain tolerance. Over my lifetime, and mostly in my early to late teens, I have been in the ER more than 15 times for broken bones, burns, severe cuts and dislocations, mostly sports related. I also grew up on a farm and worked in construction most of my twenties and thirties. I say this only to give “credibility” to the fact that I am not one who succumbs to minor injury, annoyances or physical discomfort. The pain that this device alleviated for me would be classified as severe to debilitating for most people."

- Brent Hugo

"My husband has moderate brain damage resulting from a cardiac arrest four months ago (cerebral anoxia as a result of low oxygen for 14 minutes while the ambulance team shocked him 6 times to get his heart restarted). The main effects of his brain damage are poor long and short term memory, reduced attention and concentration, slowed mental processing and physical/mental fatigue. We purchased and started using the DAVID (with the "ADD" session recommended by you) once a day on Sept 27, and we are just now (a month later) seeing quite a dramatic increase in my husband's ability to remember both short and long term. This seems to be more than his previous curve of improvement (ie, a faster rate of improvement) so this could be due to the DAVID sessions. Ironically, although the "ADD" session is supposed to stimulate his brain, he finds the sessions very relaxing and sometimes falls asleep. He says he likes the sessions. We are very gratified by this apparent increased rate of improvement, since all the rehab literature suggests that improvement gradually SLOWS over time, whereas we seem to be seeing a rather sudden escalation of improvement! Although this is not a "controlled" study (ie, we don't know what would have happened if we had never used the DAVID), it is logical to assume that the use of the DAVID contributed to this increased rate of improvement. We certainly think that direct brain stimulation therapy using the DAVID should be tried by other people with acquired brain damage. Hopefully, rehabilitation researchers will set up controlled studies on the potential benefits of direct brain stimulation."

- Dr. Leigh Field, UBC Medical Researcher

"My husband, Matt, got Encephalitis in 1999, and still today has the lasting effects this horrible illness bestows on its victims. He has had tremors, sleep problems, seizures, mood swings and many other issues. He has been on so much medication to try to control the seizures and his moods, and nothing has ever completely helped. We knew the seizures were intensified by stress and his moods, and knew his mood swings and stress were intensified by seizures. We were in an endless cycle with no way out. I found Mind Alive and the DAVID and contacted them with questions about my husband's situation. Nancy at Mind Alive was awesome, and really helped me get the right product for my husband. He has been using the DAVID for the last three months. The difference in my husband is amazing. His seizures have cut in halt (at least) and WOW the moods - it is like a weight has been lifted off of him and in return, me and the kids. I just can't believe the difference in his ability to control his mood swings now. What Nancy, Mind Alive and the DAVID has done for me an my family can never be repaid. Thank you."

- Shannan Baucom

"I am writing to document our daughter's experiences with the DAVID. Our daughter has been using the DAVID for the past four weeks. After using the DAVID for approximately two weeks we noticed that her auditory sensitivity appeared diminished to several sounds that have previously bothered her for the past 13 years. She has also been making new movements with her mouth and tongue when using the machine. On her last visit to the chiropractor, the doctor commented that her muscles seemed to be more relaxed prior, during and after her treatment. She had been using the DAVID for two weeks at the time of her chiropractic treatment. Due to the above mentioned changes, we have decided to purchase the DAVID and continue to use this for treatment for various aspects of our daughter's brain injury. Thank you for giving us the opportunities to experience the benefits of the DAVID."

- Connie Lewis


"I have been using AVE almost every day for over ten years ... for concentration, learning and meditation."

- Domenico Russo Antunez

"I bought my DAVID Delight Pro back in 2014. I own a business, and as it comes with the territory, I have lots of stress. During 2014 and 2015, I regularly used my DAVID and downloads of Lloyd Glauberman's various HPP programs as suggested by the Mind Alive website. My profits more than doubled that year, and I was happy doing it! I also wrote two books. This device really helped change my outlook on life. As is typical with many habits, my DAVID habit was replaced by other demands on my life, and it showed! More stress and less success. Then 2020 happened, so I decided to take myself seriously again. I started to use my DAVID Delight Pro and get my other habits organized to help me focus. Despite the insanity of this year, things are going pretty well. On a final note, I got the GAMMA session upgrades, and all I can say is WOW! I literally walked around after my first session saying "WOW!" I'm guessing I was a little tense before starting, but 30 minutes later, a totally new perspective! Thanks to the team at Mind Alive! You have a great product that I'm sure has helped countless people have better lives!"

- David Hastings Lloyd, R.Ac, R.TCMP

"Remarkable machine (Delight Plus). Does it produce results? Absolutely. I have been using it only for a week and I can feel strong energetic and frequency changes in my brain as well as a definite sharpness of consciousness and awareness. Use this along with Lumosity and your brain will begin to strengthen and evolve incrementally. What I like most, the experience is not frivolous. It is pure science and you can feel it changing your brain, mind, perception, intellect and awareness in real-time."

- GC

"I use the DAVID to keep me on task and make me, as a day trader investor, at the top of my trading performance. There are mental trading coaches who address the same problems but it takes 3 to 6 months and costs thousands of dollars. Using the DAVID, I was able to get to that place in a couple of weeks and using the DAVID keeps me in 'mental' tune. I use my DAVID every day."

- Carl Dixon

"Thanks to Entrainment therapy, I've been able to do what I once thought was impossible. With my new ability to focus and remain task-oriented, I have recently become an Award Winning Author! This would not have been possible, had it not been for my cool blinking lights."

- Mark Meincke

"It works, it works, it works!!! With great enthusiasm I'm glad to inform you that for the first time, after lots of half successful mental training, I have achieved concrete results. HPP tapes, together with the OASIS and DAVID, doubtlessly produced fast and profound changes of behavior, feelings and emotions. More results were better performance and improvements in stress management, time organization and other business and overall achievements. Results have been fast, profound and very concrete. Even results achieved with other professional psychotherapeutic techniques became more obvious. It seems that one big puzzle of better mental performance finally has got desirable shape. Now I'm very eager to continue development, as well as education and consultations with my employees and patients."

- Roman Murr, MD, MBA

"My name is John Bretthauer and I am a commodities broker. In the commodities business, once the skills of playing the 'game' are in place, the rest of the challenge in succeeding requires the ability to determine how the market will be performing in the future. Commodity trading is based on emotions. Sensing the state of mind of other brokers and market pressures is 90% of the battle. I thought I had this advantage because I meditated as an attempt to stay calm. As a result I averaged gains of 10% per month. I purchased a DAVID in the spring of 1996 because my meditation was not helping me stay calm as I would have liked. I use the DAVID to help me stay calm while others are in states of panic. In other words, their fear-based trading creates trading opportunities for me! The DAVID has helped me increase my gains from 10% a month to 50% a month. Just recently, I made gains of 100% in one month as a result of the insights brought forward from the creative insights that the DAVID has provided. I wear the headphones and the auditory beats help me stay relaxed while I do my trading on the computer. At noon, after trading has ended for the day, I run a 45 minute Delta session and think up insights regarding the market. This is when some of my very best ideas have spawned. I hope that others in the game do not latch onto this technique as I benefit from their fears, thus making my gains."

- John Bretthauer



"I have always dreaded going to the dentist, not because of the pain etc., but because of the long lasting effects of the freezing. I decided to give the DAVID a try and not have freezing. I needed two old fillings removed and new ones put in. These fillings were fairly large and deep. I trusted your advice and set myself for the Extended Deep Alpha Relaxer, a 90 minute session designed for Dental/Pain. I was amazed at the effects and the lack of pain I felt. I was totally aware of everything going on around me and I did feel one or two small pings but nothing to keep me from using the DAVID again in the same situation. I must admit it took a great amount of faith in your judgment to try this but I am very glad I did. Not only did I not have to tolerate the after effects of the freezing, I felt very relaxed and refreshed. If I were to choose freezing, I would still run a session while in the dentist chair just because I feel so much more relaxed afterward. My son recently underwent dental surgery to remove four wisdom teeth. When he arrived home from surgery he was in great pain so he took two Tylenol with codeine. This did not relieve all the pain, so he ran a session for fifteen minutes. After running his session, he awoke and started feeling more pain and so ran another longer session. Thank you for encouraging me to try a session while at the dentist, my dental visits will be much more enjoyable from now on."

- Carla Janzen

"My first experience with the DAVID was in October, 1996. At that time, I had been suffering from painful, and frequent ear aches (several a month), for the last seven years. I had been to several doctors regarding these earaches, and was given no conclusive reason for their occurrence, and no treatment. I went to see a chiropractor about an unrelated matter, and was told that my earaches were probably stress related, and more specifically, were probably as a result of TMJ. It was suggested to me to meditate to relieve stress and relax the body. Not being familiar with meditation techniques, I was told about you, and the service you offer. After several sessions with the DAVID, I noticed that I was not getting earaches. Now, after one year of using the DAVID regularly, I am very happy to report that I have had only ONE earache! The benefits of using the DAVID have gone far beyond curing my earaches. My energy level has increased; I sleep better; I communicate and interact with people more effectively, and most importantly, I don't get so "stressed out!" Thank you for helping me discover a new way of living."

- Cheryl Martin

"Our office was introduced to a powerful effective tool with multiple uses. The DAVID machine uses light and sound to guide our clients into a gradual meditation state. This keeps their muscles relaxed so that unnecessary strain on the TMJ is reduced and time consciousness is relaxed. Comments like "that didn't seem to take so long" have been heard after 1 ½ hour appointments. Some of our staff are using the unit for stress relief and our daughter is using it for energy balance. It has many other uses. We are very excited about this concept in dentistry and for personal use."

- Dr. Roy C. A. Fearon

"When you first called me in April of this year (after having read about me in the Toronto Star) introducing me to an electronic aid to calm people down, I was skeptical. Fortunately, my skepticism has always been equally balanced by open mindedness. After experiencing the DAVID for the first time, I was very impressed by how it created within me a profound state of relaxation. I read the studies that you provided for me and was happy to learn that this technique of relaxation not only works, but is absolutely safe. At this point and without hesitation, I bought the DAVID. Being a scientific individual, I was slightly uncomfortable using the unit on my patients right away so I used it on myself first. I would wear the DAVID when I went to sleep at night and found that I would regularly find the hardware still on me even long after the program was over. At this point I started to use the unit on my staff, to see what they thought. They all found the DAVID to be pleasant and experience a wide variety of sensations (including deep sleep, the feeling of "being on another planet" and the sensation of floating, to mention a few). Finally I started to use the DAVID on my patients. I used it on only the most frightened of these. There were three very notable cases with many similarities. All three were female (two in their early twenties and one in her early thirties) and all three needed to have wisdom teeth surgically removed. Two of these women were seeing me for the first time, and one was seeing me after a long absence from my practice. All three had tears in their eyes as soon as I walked into the room, and they were all trembling with fear and anxiety. I used the DAVID on them throughout the hour and a half procedure. I was surprised to observe that none of these patients even moved. They remained conscious, but very relaxed! I only wish that I had known about this technology years ago, if I had I would certainly be the most popular dentist in Toronto."

- Dr. Howard Lim, DDS, B.Sc.

"We offer the DAVID to all of our patients. Many of those who try it find it very relaxing, particular patients with TMJ problems who usually have trouble opening. I find that these patients seem more comfortable and show significantly less tendency to close their mouths or move around. I use the instrument frequently myself at home for relaxation to aid in concentration, and to relieve insomnia. I always take it along when flying because it makes the time on the air plane seem to pass so quickly."

- Dr. Brian D. Read, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.D.S.



"I am a meditation, yoga, and neuroplasticity consultant who has used the DAVID Delight Pro with my clients and personally find it to be the most accessible and intuitive consumer grade device available. When used as a part of a holistic system, it can help improve cognition, sports performance, reduce anxiety and induce focus and calm."

- Katie Heid

"I bought my DAVID Delight Pro back in 2014. I own a business, and as it comes with the territory, I have lots of stress. During 2014 and 2015, I regularly used my DAVID and downloads of Lloyd Glauberman's various HPP programs as suggested by the Mind Alive website. My profits more than doubled that year, and I was happy doing it! I also wrote two books. This device really helped change my outlook on life. As is typical with many habits, my DAVID habit was replaced by other demands on my life, and it showed! More stress and less success. Then 2020 happened, so I decided to take myself seriously again. I started to use my DAVID Delight Pro and get my other habits organized to help me focus. Despite the insanity of this year, things are going pretty well. On a final note, I got the GAMMA session upgrades, and all I can say is WOW! I literally walked around after my first session saying "WOW!" I'm guessing I was a little tense before starting, but 30 minutes later, a totally new perspective! Thanks to the team at Mind Alive! You have a great product that I'm sure has helped countless people have better lives!"

- David Hastings Lloyd, R.Ac, R.TCMP

"Recently I sent my Delight Pro to Mind Alive for an upgrade and not having it the past few weeks made me realize how important it is to my daily wellness. In 2004, I attended a conference to become a Neurotherapist and was introduced to the Mind Alive units by the instructor. I had no idea Audio-Visual Entrainment technology existed. The ability to manage mood, alertness, focus, sleep, etc. without the use of medication or caffeine opened a whole new world for me. So I bought a unit & shared it with my son. He used it to “get in the zone” before his varsity tennis matches, to ace the SAT & to calm teenage angst. Instead of relying on caffeine I used the Energize sessions to get me going in the morning. I have used almost all of the program options at one time or another these past 16 years. For example, public speaking is my greatest fear so I found an empty room before my presentation and did a quick “Relaxer” session to calm my anxiety. My presentation was a success! Currently I keep my Delight Pro on my nightstand. I fall asleep easily, but awaken between 3 - 4 a.m. unable to go back to sleep. The Delta session results in an additional 2 - 3 hours of sleep. This makes a big difference in the quality of my day. Clearly, I love the Mind Alive products, but I also want to say how impressed I am with the company’s customer support. I received an email from Mind Alive that a free [gamma] upgrade to the software was available. Since I was sending a package anyway, I decided to include 3 older Mind Alive units that were malfunctioning for repair. Keep in mind I use my units daily so they do wear out. I was hoping they could repair my older units, but of course I expected to be charged. I received an email that the upgrade had been completed and 1 of the 3 old units had been repaired……at no charge. The other 2 were beyond repair. So I was delighted to have 1 of my old units functioning again and at no cost to me. Now that is great customer service! However, I should not have been surprised because this happened to me previously in 2008. I called Mind Alive after hours one evening to leave a message about repairing my unit and Dave answered the phone. I couldn’t believe I was speaking with the genius mind who developed these great products. He was very patient with me and told me where to send it for a repair. Imagine my surprise when I received my newly repaired unit at no charge. What a company! The employees work hard to make the customer happy. I have a long history with Mind Alive—I have personally bought about 10 units over the years for my personal use and for my children. I have also introduced my Neurofeedback clients to its advantages. They appreciated the control they had over their brain function. There was no worry about side effects. I often heard from the parents of ADD/ADHD parents that they could hear their children playing in the middle of the night. The kids could not go to sleep because the stimulant medication was in their system and kept them awake. They had no way to “turn it off”. Mind Alive products can be used in the moment and as needed leaving no long term residual drugs in the system. AVE products have improved the quality of my life and I remain a fan. The company, Mind Alive not only offers a high quality product, but also stands behind it. I purchased the original unit because I was impressed with its capabilities; I have purchased additional units through the years, because of the integrity of the company and the people who work there."

- Joanna Strong

"I am really pleased to share with you that my vision how neurorehabilitation can be done with the help of Oasis Pro is becoming reality. We work with a professor-neurologist Plamen Bozhinov who is an expert in EEG, TMS and tDCS. He currently uses Oasis Pro plus a rehabilitation exercise program for a patient with severe motor disabilities after a car crash. Before the Oasis Pro was implemented for direct brain stimulation there were almost no gains from the exercises. After the Oasis Pro was included in the program the patient has made rapid progress. The father of the patient decided to buy an Oasis Pro to continue the rehabilitation program in their home! I am really happy that your tools are helping in such heavy conditions in so fundamental of a way!"

- Rado Shterev

"In 1988, at the age of 32, I was injured in a serious motorcar accident. I was in a coma for 42 days. I had broken three neck vertebrae, sustained major brain damage and the doctors believed that I would never be much more than a vegetable. Their prognosis was that I would never again be able to take care of myself needed to be placed in Weskoppies, a psychiatric hospital in Pretoria. My stepmother intervened and managed to get me into another hospital. She asked individuals as well as international prayer groups to pray for my complete recovery. I started to make a miraculous, if slow, recovery. I have no recollection of this period in my life – my first memories after the accident are of myself learning to walk and write again about nine months after the accident. I spent the next two and a half years in physical and mental rehabilitation. In retrospect, I would say that it took me about seven years before I was a fully functional and fairly confident person again. My whole life had changed and I suffered from severe depression. I visited the best neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists available to try cure my depression. The verdict was always the same: they would experiment with pills until they got the best to treat the symptoms. There was no cure. Every year the prescriptions just got lengthier and the drugs heavier. A pill for sleep, pills for mood control, pills to wake up and pills to kill the sadness. In the end I realized that I was suffering from changes in character. Nobody could offer me any hope of total recovery. I tried alternative treatments such as acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal treatments – to no avail. At 50 my husband and I retired and moved to the South Coast. I kept researching to find something to help myself. One day, a friend handed me a leaflet advertising John Broome’s Mind Power and an apparatus that stimulates the brain to form new neural pathways and to produce its own neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins. In desperation I phoned John Broome and ordered the apparatus and subliminal CDs. Three weeks later I went to Gauteng to take delivery. John explained the simple way the machine works and how to use the subliminal recordings. This scientifically proven, cutting-edge technology introduced a new era in my life. For six weeks, on a daily basis, I did the 42 minute Alpha-to-Alpha/Beta session. In the beginning I needed a lot of support and encouragement from my husband, as I was still suffering from severe depression. From the fourth week, I could hardly wait for my daily sessions and after six weeks of daily sessions I was a different person. I reduced my medication under my doctor’s supervision. For the first time in years I had energy, and my curiosity and sense of humour returned. Due to the subliminal recordings that I listened to daily, my confidence and motivation to have a meaningful life returned. Although I felt like a new person, my memory and concentration was still lacking. I then started treating myself daily using the John Broome SMR/Beta 24-minute program for another six weeks. I also continued using the subliminal music as support. I decided to study further using correspondence courses. I enrolled for a Masters Degree with the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona, USA. My thesis was titled "Consciousness''. I continued with a PhD, and at the age of 55, I received my PhD from the University of Arizona. My doctoral thesis was titled "Meditation as Medication''. Today I am an ordained minister with International Metaphysical Ministries, a Pastoral Counseling Psychologist, an accredited Accelerated Learning Practitioner, an EFT Practitioner, and I practice various modalities of Energy Medicine. I believe without my brain machine and the subliminals this would never have been possible. It is humbling to acknowledge the lives I have touched by using the DAVID LS systems. Over the years, I have treated severe cases of depression, ADD and ADHD successfully. I have also helped people suffering from chronic pain, hypertension, severe stress, sportspeople seeking better performance, as well as people suffering from migraines and sleep disorders. As I write this testimony, I am suffused with intense gratitude – I am grateful to God for His grace, I am thankful to Dave Siever who has devoted his life to the development and perfection of a device that has such incredible potential, I am grateful to John Broome who is dedicated to improving the lives of people all over South Africa. I am intensely grateful that these remarkable people crossed my path and gave me back my life."

- Dr Maryna van der Berg, PhD

"I really enjoy and use my Delight Pro a lot. You are remarkable to have developed such a marvelous device to its final stage. I can see those little tweaks you made to make it more user-friendly. The OCD paid off ;-). I use it to sleep, awaken and sometimes as a break during that mid-afternoon doldrum to experience a bit of inspired mind surfing. I vary the programs greatly. My favorite music is by Tangerine Dream- Phaedra is my number 1 gateway. It's my release from the grip of neuropathy without a pill. So, thank you, Dave. I am so very grateful to you."

- Jerry K., Ph.D.

“The depth and breadth of Dave’s knowledge about AVE and CES, his passion for this work, his creativity and his commitment to customer service are unparalleled. I got a David Delight for personal use and have since "turned on" many friends. There are many vendors of brain enhancement technology out there, and it’s easy to get lost in the woods for those of us with limited understanding and experience. No worries….Mind Alive is the answer. This is solid, research-based, cutting edge technology and unwavering customer support. My experience with Dave was fantastic. I cannot say enough good about Mind Alive."

- Amy Hudson, Ph.D., LCDC, BCIA

"I use Mind Alive products, both personally and professionally, at our center. Dave and his staff are amazing and knowledgeable in the field."

- Kyle Ferroly

"Thank you so very much for your prompt and courteous service. In my opinion, you also went above and beyond in lining up all the shipping details, which I also greatly appreciate. (Many American businesses could certainly take a lesson regarding good service from your example!). I just placed an order for an ALERT PRO and 2 sets of Tru-Vu glasses. The products are far superior to any other AVS device I have tried with the students in my school and the clients in my private counseling/neurostimulation practice. And as if that were not enough, I am about a one-third of the way through Mr. Siever’s neurostimulation online course and enjoying that very much."

- Patrick Young, M.Ed., M.S., LCPC, CADC

"I made an appointment with Dr. Saunders to receive help with bipolar depression and pain. I have struggled for over 15 years and have tried everything to find relief. Within just few months of receiving help from Dr. Saunders with TDCS and CES, my condition is in complete remission. I got my life back! I couldn't be more grateful! Dr. Saunders is one the most compassionate, positive, and insightful practitioners I have ever known. He has been a huge source of encouragement to me on my recovery journey. He has provided me with in depth knowledge, expertise, and coaching about brain training and the power of healing which has transformed my life. I feel confident to be able to use TDCS and CES for health on my own thanks to his help. I feel so grateful that Dr. Saunders believed in me. I feel completed liberated, strong, and empowered. I would highly recommend Dr. Saunders to anyone in need of healing and encouragement."

- Kate F.

"The following is about my experience with the DAVID AVE instruments from my DAVID Paradise XL (purchased in 2002 and still in use), to the DAVID Delight Pro newly purchased, and few DAVID PAL 36s in the middle. Let me begin by stating my experience in biofeedback began in the mid 1980s using EMG for muscle tension. I learned about EEG and went through the training and, years later, was among the first group to become certified. I saw great benefit in biofeedback for a number of problems. I began using this to treat anxiety, depression, ADD, and most typical complaints presented to clinicians. Treatment went well for most patients. However, my biggest complaint with this treatment was the length of time it took to for a patient to receive some benefit. Then, by a stroke of luck, another clinician was telling me about AVE and had a DAVID Paradise XL. He specialized in ADHD and would tell me about the changes he noticed in his young patients with the AVE. I tried this “new gadget” and did not think it would amount to much of anything. Well, I was in for the surprise of my life. I felt some things that took me weeks or longer using biofeedback, were quickly resolved with the DAVID. I was hooked and had to have my unit. I began using DAVID AVE instruments in 2002, and continued with EEG Biofeedback as well. In my practice I noticed a much quicker response time for those with AVE. Patients seemed to enjoy this more than other treatments, and it was user friendly. I had witnessed such a dramatic success rate that I slowly decreased the usage of EEG and went completely with AVE. I found significant improvements in patients, especially those referred for chronic pain. It seemed to me that what I could typically have a patient experience in one AVE session would have taken about three weeks or more of training with biofeedback. But I do need to make one point perfectly clear. I am in no way putting down biofeedback. I am just commenting on my experience with the DAVID AVE units. For the past seven years, I have been using AVE exclusively. I am employed at a hospital and am part of the pain management team. I have found that, in most cases, using a sub-delta .5-1 frequency has provided the greatest relief of pain for most patients. I have used AVE for treating tension headaches, Migraines, fibromyalgia, PTSD, stroke patients with paralysis (and actually had success in getting some feeling back to the effected areas), and other psychiatric and physical problems. I believe that there may be endless treatment considerations for AVE. The reason I titled this, “I don’t believe it!” is due to the average comment a patient tells me, first of all when I explain what AVE is and how it will work, and then, after the first session when they feel the reduction in pain or the state of relaxation. I have also noticed, and have been recording, blood pressure readings before and after sessions. I have consistently noticed a reduction in blood pressure on about 85% of patients. Some patients have made incredible gains, enough so they were able to reduce or stop their medications whether it is for hypertension or pain. The DAVID AVE products have proven to be exceptionally reliable and, if I have ever experienced a problem, I made a phone call, talked to Dave, or any of the friendly staff, and the problem was fixed. I can not express my amazement in the success of this treatment and my gratitude for producing an instrument that is of such high quality. Dave, I thank you and my patients thank you."

- Mark Koharchick, PhD, LPC

"I ordered the DAVID a little less than a year ago and have had profound results! I am a wellness facilitator, stillness/meditation instructor and personal development coach. My passion is helping individuals overcome depression and other mind-related limitations to live well. I have been working closely with one of my clients who is using the DAVID to overcome depression. After four months of use, she is ready to stop her depression medication completely! She has transformed in a number of ways and is almost unrecognizable from the person she was a few months ago. I am a true believer in what this technology can do for humanity!"

- Joy Kingsborough

"We have used the Mind Alive audio-visual stimulation (AVE) devices with every patient who is enrolled in our BrainAdvantage program. This program is a form of neurotherapy which employs blood flow biofeedback to increase the blood supply to the frontal lobes, thereby increasing neural connectivity and improving brain function in all kinds of different conditions, from ADHD to depression and anxiety to traumatic brain injury. Audio-visual entrainment is an important part of the program. We find that it calms both hyperactive children and hyperanxious adults, so that they can then actually participate in the remainder of the 90-minute sessions. In fact, the AVE devices are often prescribed for our patients to take home with them, to help them deal with their severe anxiety and insomnia without having to use drugs. The patients often continue to use the equipment, even after their formal therapy has come to an end, as a non-medication means to help them deal with the every-day stresses of life which they previously found so overwhelming. For the depressed patient who is incapacitated with anxiety, the AVE device has been a godsend – successful in reducing anxiety beyond my wildest expectations. We use primarily the ALERT. Pharmaceuticals may calm anxiety, but at what cost? Brain fog, depression, loss of cognitive abilities are only a few of the side effects that people can experience. The Mind Alive AVE devices leave the pharmaceuticals groaning in the dust. Initially we included AVE because we thought that it would play a small role in some patients. Now we use it on every patient (except those with photic induced seizures) as a hugely significant part of the therapy."

- Dr. Martha Grout

"I am thrilled to have this amazing device. I use it twice daily myself and also use it on most of my clients! I regard it as a leading tool in transforming your life!"

- Anne O'Loughlin, Hypnotherapist

"As you know, I am the approved and designated clinical psychologist to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in my part of British Columbia and have been so for almost twenty years now. Currently, over 80% of my private practice in clinical psychology is with police officers who most typically present with depression in which accumulated traumatic incidents have played a significant role, or with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or with both depression and PTSD. Additionally, it has been my experience that the officers I see have waited until the very last minute to call me so that by the time we meet the symptoms are very marked in both number and intensity and they have been on-going for some considerable time. My diagnosis and treatment plan continues to be based on a careful assessment: a structured clinical interview which can include the Hamilton Depression Inventory and/or the Clinician Administered PTSD-Scale for DSM-IV; clinical psychophysiological measures including baseline arousal levels, reactivity to stressors, and recovery once stressors are terminated; administration of standardized psychological tests such as the Personality Assessment Inventory and the Trauma Symptom Inventory; and often an interview with the client's spouse–I am nothing if not thorough. Until recently intervention has included a step-wise combination of psycho-education about the diagnosis, seeing a physician for medical examination and possible medication, relevant recommendations for client's to implement based on research in Health Psychology (for example, increasing aerobic exercise, decreasing the use of stimulants, and sleep hygiene), biofeedback-assisted training in relaxation/self-regulation (autonomic nervous system, relevant muscle systems, and EEG), and appropriate aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I continue to do all of the above. However, since discovering your DAVID technology about 18 months ago, I now include audio-visual entrainment for all of my police clients with depression and/or PTSD once there is psychophysiological confirmation both that they have mastered diaphragmatic breathing, that they can establish an RSA pattern, and that the entrainment creates desirable changes. When using the DAVID, generally, we begin with (and most often stay with) frequencies at 10 Hz (although sometimes down as low as 7.8 Hz). Some clients keep the unit for six months before returning it as they no longer have the symptoms they came with, others keep it indefinitely using it daily at first and months later only as symptoms reoccur, and still others continue to use it on a daily basis (two people have done so for 12 months now). Regardless, it is clear that well over 90% of my police clients find the DAVID helpful. Among the most common findings are: A rapid decrease in both autonomic nervous system hyper-arousal/hyper-reactivity and muscle tension (I show clients the changes during their first session with DAVID in my office); A longer and longer duration of these positive effects the more frequently they use the DAVID; A rapid increase in mental calmness and corresponding decrease in "monkey mind" (thoughts all over the place); Rapid improvements in sleep (reduced latency to sleep onset, decreased night waking, and increased sense of restfulness come morning) when they use it at regular bedtime and again if they wake during the night and are unable to fall back asleep within 15 minutes; and What appears to be self-initiated changes in both behaviour and cognitions even before any formal introduction of cognitive behavioural therapy. The positive effects noted above are even more remarkable to me given the suspicion levels typical of most police officers I see, the significant intensity of symptoms upon presentation, and how long symptoms have persisted. Moreover, as people of action, police officers are pleased to have something they can do to modify symptoms quickly on their own without having to talk at length with me about their childhood or mothers as they mistakenly expect we will be doing."

- Dr. John Carmichael

"I wanted to write and let you know how much I appreciate your products. I have personally used a DAVID since 1994; I recommend them to my clients and to people participating in my EEG Professional Certification Training programs through Stens Corporation. My initial exposure to Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) was through a friend here in Minneapolis. He insisted I try it and, though I must admit to some resistance at first, I quickly found that is was profoundly beneficial. I decided at that time to use the DAVID on a daily or twice daily basis for a minimum of 6 months to develop a thorough, personal understanding of the effects of all the different entrainment sessions included with the device. I found that my sleep improved and I became much steadier and more resilient in the face of the daily demands of my work. My wife also noticed the changes and encouraged me (strongly, I might add) to continue using the device. I have continued using it regularly since that time. I should say here that I had previously used many other interventions, most with quite positive results. I experienced more than 100 sessions of EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback, more than 20 years of peripheral biofeedback self-training as part of my work as a biofeedback therapist and nearly 30 years of yoga and meditation practice. I feel I learned and grew from each of these experiences and yet when I began consistently using AVE, I found new levels of growth and development that had previously eluded me. I would say that the changes I noticed most clearly from AVE were experiences of solidity, stability and balance. I believe that the introduction of such precise timing information into the central nervous system can have highly beneficial effects. I have observed these effects with my clients. Approximately 95% of my clients use AVE during their work with me and most continue to use the DAVID after they complete neurofeedback training. Clients with migraine headaches find that using the DAVID can often abort a migraine already in progress. Clients with anxiety, depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sleep disorders, chronic pain, ADHD and many other complaints find relief from using the DAVID. I find that instead of needing two neurofeedback sessions per week, clients can get the same results in one session per week if they are regularly using the DAVID at home between sessions. I have also more recently begun to use the variable frequency OASIS cranial electrical stimulation (CES) device with a limited number of my clients after thoroughly testing it on myself and after an extensive evaluation of the relevant literature. In my limited experience with CES I have found that clients with addiction disorders report reduced cravings. I have also used it with a client with a severe traumatic brain injury and found that he experienced a significant reduction in mood swings, less angry outbursts, better physical balance and improved gait. Probably the clearest example of my own enthusiasm for your products is that most of my immediate and extended family members own and use either AVE or CES or both for everything from insomnia to memory problems. I am grateful for the work you have done and have no hesitation recommending your products to everyone who expresses an interest in better health, personal growth, optimum performance or just learning how to relax. In addition, your contributions to the field of neurotherapy through your support of a variety of research efforts and through your own studies have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of this field of human endeavor. Your efforts in this respect are certainly unique in the field of entrainment equipment manufacturers. It is clear that what you do comes from your heart rather than from a desire for profit."

- John Anderson, MA, LADC, BCIA Minnesota Neurotherapy Institute

"I met you briefly last year at the Stens training. I was a healthy skeptic - yet went ahead and bought a thousand dollars worth of your products - the OASIS and the DAVID. In a few words -- worth every penny. I have used the "Brain Brightening" session after meditating. I felt that the fog had lifted in my brain - more energetic, yet calm and relaxed. As you well said, Dave - "the edge was off..." I thank you - my family thanks you. DAD is back."

- Dr. Ira Katz Clinical Neuropsychologist

"Hey there...my name is Dr. Ken Vinton, and I am a 14-year veteran Doctor of Chiropractic, with 7 years of biofeedback and neurofeedback experience. I've taught doctors from 49 States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, Ireland and the U.K. As such, I am always looking for means of improving CNS function. The method of Chiropractic adjustments that I teach demonstrably improve system wide CNS function...generally producing an increase in alpha, warming of the hands, decrease in EDR, HR, and EMG, along with improved posture and bi-lateral weight scale distribution. I began performing biofeedback first as an assessment tool to determine what my adjustments were doing...then went on into full scale biofeedback training with the BioIntegrator. However, I found a goodly number of folks who didn't wish to invest in themselves either the time or expense of appropriate biofeedback care...they would come frequently for their adjustment, but just didn't wish to "live consciously" or self-regulate. Herein laid my frustration...until I found the DAVID. As soon as I had it out of the box, the next patient through the door was one that truly needed to "chill out" her CNS, but was unwilling to commit the time or energy to self-regulate. Knowing her EEG "patterns", I had her place the goggles and headphones on, I briefly explained what I was doing, turned on program #1, and waited...15 minutes later, she emerged with a sigh. I received a telephone call later that evening stating that she couldn't recall remembering when she felt so relaxed...and that she could feel the tension "draining" from her body. The next client I used the DAVID with EEG hookups from the BioIntegrator...and watched as her brain waves centered in the 12-15 Hz range...exactly as the program said it would. She stated that she felt tension release from her body, and felt the mental fog lift. The next woman was scheduled for her weekly biofeedback session, but was highly despondent and in tears over an incident at her work. Clearly we weren't going to get much done during her session, so I gave her the option of rescheduling...or, letting me try something new. Previously she had displayed on her EEG a significant amount of beta in the 20 to 40 Hz range. I chose session number 1 and 15 minutes later she was a different person. She too called the office to ask if we could do it again at her next appointment, stating that typically she would have been wound up all evening, not slept and been miserable. Instead she stated that when she left she felt calm and centered, and seemed to "glide" through the rest of her day. Amazing!"

- Dr. Kenneth J. Vinton Vinton Chiropractic Center, Inc.

"It is important to note the difference between acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is usually associated with short-term pain, whereas chronic pain is long-term. Physicians often prescribe medication for acute pain, but this same medication can be detrimental in the management of chronic pain. That is why physicians often do not renew prescriptions for chronic pain patients. When your body is experiencing pain it creates endorphins, a natural pain killer, to suppress your pain. The body's pain messengers compete with endorphins to the point where the more pain you experience the fewer the endorphins created. Thus, individuals who live with chronic pain usually have fewer endorphins in their body than normal people. Pain medication suppresses the body's ability to manufacture endorphins so that when pain medication wears off there are few, if any endorphins left, which in turn results in increased pain messages from the body. This circular interactive effect is common in chronic pain patients who depend on medication to manage their discomfort. These people never seem to catch up and keep needing more and more medication to maintain a "normal" style of life. Dependency on Demerol, Codeine, Percoidean, Morphine and other types of pain medications lead to addictive behaviours. These addictive behaviours are eventually reflected in family interaction which become enmeshed and dysfunctional. The point to remember is that when you do not depend on pain medications your body produces more endorphins, you have more control, and the quality of your life improves. There are several ways to increase the output of endorphins in your body. One of the most effective is to use relaxation techniques which involve imagery research with the DAVID, in conjunction with supportive psychotherapy, has shown that chronic pain can indeed by controlled by using these procedures. This research indicates that regular use of the DAVID can result in greatly reduced dependency on medication and improvement in quality of rest, which in turn contributes to increased self-esteem, family stability, and reduced suicide ideation. And an overall improvement in the quality of one's life."

- Dr. Frederic Boersma



"I had seen the DAVID Delight Pro device and wanted one for several years to help with sleep issues, but simply could not justify the price…or so I thought. Also a concern was whether it actually worked, was it medically safe and was it simply a psychological “trick” or gimmick. On 6 October 2015, I sustained a fairly severe concussion and subsequent intense headaches, so intense I missed work for weeks and when I finally did return to work, could only stand to do so part-time for over a month. I had intense headaches, sleep loss, mood swings and memory loss. So though not specifically mentioned in many places for treatment of concussion issues, I decided between my meditation practice, my sleep issues, my aversion to chemicals and my desire to alleviate the pain at almost all costs, I invested the money in the device. While the device certainly has helped at all levels, specifically, in regards to the concussive symptoms, I found varying my focus on the “images” or patterns presented by the glasses, my symptoms of pain and nausea started to lessen and then disappear within only two uses of the device. Within 4-5 days I was going several hours without pain and could fall asleep within 20 minutes. I have now been using it for 7 months. My eye therapy (I had a vestibular alignment issue from the concussion) progressed much faster than my therapists had anticipated. It’s also important to note that I am a very physically active person with a very high pain tolerance. Over my lifetime, and mostly in my early to late teens, I have been in the ER more than 15 times for broken bones, burns, severe cuts and dislocations, mostly sports related. I also grew up on a farm and worked in construction most of my twenties and thirties. I say this only to give “credibility” to the fact that I am not one who succumbs to minor injury, annoyances or physical discomfort. The pain that this device alleviated for me would be classified as severe to debilitating for most people."

- Brent Hugo

"I heard about AVE from Mr. Krish Srikanth in India. I bought it from him while I was in India. For my migraine issues and for focus and increase in memory, alertness and awareness. My son is in the Swim Team and has started using it ...his lack of focus and issues with being irresponsible have been resolved to a large extent. Deep gratitude for all your efforts in making AVE so easy and mobile (bag it and move).God Bless You for alleviating human suffering and worries."

- Deepa Somani

"I started experiencing headaches when I was ten years old. Most weeks I'd have them at least every second day, and they often made school difficult for me. Fluorescent lights, the sun and humidity often made them unbearable. I've never been able to pinpoint exactly what was causing them, although I do brux (grind my teeth) at night, which my dentist thought was a contributing factor. Around the time I was twelve years old, I went to a neurologist. He checked everything out and told me that I was suffering from tension migraines. He told me there are no prescriptions for these type of headaches (they are different from the aura-type migraines that many people experience). His recommendation was to get Botox injections, as they paralyze the muscles (which were tensing and causing the headaches). I never went through with it, mostly because I was terrified of the idea of having needles stuck in my head. Botox is also fairly costly, and there an approval process is needed for most insurance companies to agree to pay for it. So, over the years I continued to take Ibuprofen and Tylenol for the pain. I built up a tolerance to the drugs to the point where I'd be taking twelve extra strength pills a day. Of course, this much pain-reliever is hard on your stomach and liver! In Canada, half of the cases of liver sclerosis are attributed to Tylenol. But I had no other choice - I would be miserable and unable to get through my days if I didn't take the painkillers. I finally decided to give audio-visual entrainment (AVE) a try. I decided to try the Schumann Resonance session (an alpha session) and I was amazed with the results. The session itself was beyond relaxing - I'm not sure if I fell asleep, or if I was just extremely relaxed, but when the session ended 20 minutes later I felt great. I have been using this session everyday (or every second day) for almost three weeks now. In that time, I've only had one migraine (and that was on a day when I didn't run a session). This is incredible for me, as in the past I would have at least four migraines a week. I am so glad I never tried Botox, and that I have AVE to use instead. Over the years, I'm sure I would have destroyed my stomach with painkillers."

- Amanda Jackson

"Along with migraines I have been suffering severe vertigo in it's true sense. I kept falling over the dog, bouncing off walls and just being plain miserable. I have severe neck degeneration from C1 to C6 and no-one has been able to help. With the vertigo I was placed on an excessive amounts of differing drugs. The idea was if one did not work then try another type. I had no positive results at all. I was sitting at the computer trying to get the world to stop reeling and rocking and thought I have not tried the Delight Pro during the day time. I use it each and every night but not during the day. So I used the Extended Deep Alpha Relaxer session, firstly whilst still at the computer and then I had the overwhelming desire to lie down. I did this and finished the session and then got up and I felt I had lost something. Vertigo is what I had lost. It really was amazing. So I have continued using the same session and although the results have not been as great, the vertigo may come on for a few minutes and then it has a break up to 2 hours and then another small attack. This I can live with. Knowing that if I do the complete session lying down I am going to get an unbelievable response is wonderful. Makes life a whole lot more bearable and I am even planning to do a camping trip with my wife, something not done for years. I should add that in January we purchased a new vehicle and I have been so bad I have only driven it twice, just down the road to the the Chemist/pharmacy. How wonderful to be able to drive a new car that I only had been able to sit in or look at and think "what a wonderful car" and not be able to drive it."

- Peter Jordan

"Have received my CESta and have given it a fair old workout. Last night as the headaches grew in intensity, I had to have a Morphine injection to alleviate it to some degree. Finally went to sleep about 3 am and woke with the headache raging once more. So I thought it is time to put my new CESta to work. I did and really all I can say is a great big thank you to all. It was remarkable the effect using the CES function had on both my pain and my depression, words just could not do the result justice. It was just unbelievable, so now I look forward to a much brighter New Year and I will be singing my praises of your CESta to all that will listen...I am still amazed at the changes in my being since I have been using the machine and they seem to be compounding daily."

- Peter Jordan

"I wanted to write and let you know how much the DAVID has helped me in my health and life. I started having migraines when I got MS. The migraines started when I was 35 and I am now 52. The migraines, for the most part, were very severe. I was in and out of hospitals. There were numerous ER visits for the migraines. I would, a lot of the time, be immobilized in bed three to four days a week. The rest of the time, I would have a migraine on the pain scale of a 6 or 7. One year ago, I was put in the hospital for severe migraines and sever MS attack. They did a D.H.E., Regaland, and Benedryl treatments for five days with no success. After 19 years of trying to get rid of the migraines, they said there is not anything else they could do for me. I was on two medications a day which only help a little. I started using the DAVID around two months ago. I have had amazing results. I have days where there are no migraines at all. I only have a few days per month where I have to say in bed. Usually now, I just have a migraine here and there on a a pain scale of 5 or 6. This is because I am coming off the two medications that I have been on for a very extended period of time. I am completely off the one medicine and have been taking half dosage of the other one. I feel in a month or so, I will be off the other one also. The other wonderful thing is that I get total relief from any pain when I meditate with the DAVID and get into an alpha state. I feel that the DAVID has been a prayer that God has answered for me. It is awesome an I will never quit using it. I tell anyone I can about the success I have had from it and how lucky I am to have heard about it. Since I have had such success from the machine, my husband is now using it. He has ADD. He also works two jobs and a lot of hours. He has very little sleep and a lot of stress. He has just started using it but I am completely confident that it will also be a big help in his life. He works nights and get woken up a lot while he is trying to sleep. The DAVID helps him get back to sleep each time quickly when he is woken up."

- Diane Moeller

"During more than 30 years of biofeedback experience I have utilized a variety of interventions with clients experiencing migraine or vascular headaches. Many of these interventions, including the standard muscle relaxation and temperature training protocols, were moderately successful but depended on strict adherence to home practice schedules, self-monitoring and dietary restrictions. I did not see impressive results until I began using EEG biofeedback in the spring of 1992. Clients experiencing migraine headaches found excellent, lasting relief in most cases and these gains were maintained following the termination of training. I began using audiovisual entrainment (AVE) devices with clients experiencing anxiety disorders around 1996 but was hesitant to introduce this technology to my clients with migraines due to the prevalence of photosensitivity in this population. Several of these clients became aware that I was using these devices with other clients and requested the opportunity to use AVE for their headaches. Following the introduction of AVE technology, the need for other home practice interventions was virtually eliminated. Home training with AVE devices appeared to replace relaxation skills training and other behavioral adjustments. Clients no longer had to monitor dietary intake of potential triggering substances and more importantly clients found that the use of an AVE device at the beginning of a migraine episode would almost always abort that episode within 15 to 20 minutes. My preferred AVE device has been the DAVID due to the excellent quality and flexibility of this device and the Omniscreen eyesets. That flexibility allows each client to self select training protocols that most effectively meet his or her individual needs while also controlling light and sound intensity which is so important with photo and auditory sensitive individuals. The standard intervention for clients with migraine symptoms now includes weekly neurofeedback sessions combined with daily home practice with an AVE device. Clients are instructed to begin with a 15 minute session of 10 Hz stimulation for the first two or three sessions and then to self select sessions with target frequencies below 10 Hz. Most clients tend to select sessions with target frequencies between 6 and 9 Hz. Approximately 10% of clients with migraine symptoms find they are unable to utilize an AVE device and proceed with twice-weekly neurofeedback sessions and the more traditional home relaxation training exercises. Most clients report significant decreases in migraine frequency, intensity and duration following the combination of neurofeedback training and audiovisual entrainment. Many clients even report the complete cessation of all migraine activity. Clients who do find AVE devices to be beneficial almost universally purchase the devices and continue to use them on a PRN basis. Most report that this is the only intervention they need to abort the occasional migraine episodes that continue to occur."

- John Anderson, Minnesota Neurofeedback



"As a sufferer of Progressive MS and Crohns disease, I’ve been left with little option but to use medications, but being on so many I thought I would like to try something non-drug related. One of my many symptoms is sleeping disorder. On a particular morning I woke up from one of those awful sleep-deprived nights with severe head pain and pressure, and of course, fatigue. I could hardly move. My friend suggested that I try her DAVID Delight Pro; I was very skeptical. Over the years I had spent quite a bit of money on various self-help healing gadgets which claimed relief, only to be left disappointed. I was in a terrible way that morning, and out of desperation, I decided to try the DAVID Delight Pro. I used one of the ‘Energize’ sessions and before the time was up I felt 80 percent better and 100 percent energized, clear minded and happy when the session was completed! Wow! I would not have believed it if I had not tried it myself! Now I want to have my very own to try all the options to see how it can help my other symptoms!"

- Ms. Terry Tremblay

"From a customer who is using her Mind Alive device in conjunction with a Doctor's supervision. I made an appointment with Dr. Saunders to receive help with bipolar depression and pain. I have struggled for over 15 years and have tried everything to find relief. Within just a few months of receiving help from Dr. Saunders with TDCS and CES, my condition is in complete remission. I got my life back! I couldn’t be more grateful! I feel confident to be able to use tDCS and CES for health on my own thanks to his help . I feel completed liberated, strong, and empowered."

- Kate F.

"Thank you very much for your product catalogue. I already am a proud owner of the DAVID and will be ordering some accessories and the Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyeset. In your letter you mention that research is being conducted of the positive effects of the DAVID devices. I'd like to say that in March 2000 I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy and of course went to the doctor, got the shoulder shrug and the prescription. After 10 days there was no visible or physical improvement - still slurring my words and the weeping eye - then it dawned on me - try the DAVID, so I did! In the first three weeks I did 3 x 40 minute Delta sessions - and was 90% cured from Bells Palsy. I repeated the same course of sessions over the next week and recovered totally. I would think from my experience that you may want to assess conducting research into treating Bells Palsy."

- Vangelis Kapantais

"I participated in the PMS study for two months, using DAVID on a daily basis. I mostly used at bedtime as I always fell asleep almost immediately. They were very relaxing. As well, I found it to have quite a profound affect on my PMS symptoms. This was the first time in a long time that I was caught completely unprepared for my period. I previously experienced a lot of fluid retention problems and a mental loss of control of my emotions with irritability and depression occurring monthly and sometimes midmonth as well. My second and third month experiences have not been quite as profound but certainly an improvement over my previous state. As well I found these treatments affected my headaches that I frequently get from a sinusitis condition. I was able to remarkably reduce my analgesic use and also decrease my usage of my prescription for this condition. I have been on this medication for 15 years without improvement until now."

- R. Smith

"I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B and aluminum toxicity fifteen years ago. Although my health gradually improved with naturopathic treatments, I continued to suffer from chronic pain, low vitality, allergic hypersensitivity, headaches, digestive disturbances, insomnia, diminished mental performance, depression, and anxiety. Five years ago the stress of teaching high school under the weight of these symptoms became unbearable, and I resorted to medication, which enabled me to continue working, but aggravated my symptoms. Determined to find a way to restore my mental and physical balance, a telephone conversation with David Siever motivated me to try the DAVID. I kept a record of my progress, and after six months of using the DAVID twice a day, the following changes had occurred: reduction in the intensity and frequency of pain, increased energy and stamina, improved sleep, greater mental clarity, and the alleviation of depression and anxiety. The DAVID soon became the first therapeutic device that I reached for: it not only provided immediate relief from pain, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety but its beneficial effects were cumulative, producing long-term changes. My immune system has been strengthened. Multiple allergies used to be a major source of discomfort; now the few remaining are a minor annoyance, quickly alleviated by natural remedies. I have a much higher resistance to viruses and haven't had any acute illnesses in several years. My metabolic rate has increased. My energy used to be low during the day, gradually increasing at night, which resulted in chronic insomnia; now my energy is highest during the day, when I'm most active. Using a DAVID session to relax and recharge is the early evening improved my mental performance, allowing me to read faster and to remember information more accurately. In an educational setting, the DAVID is my students' preferred method of accelerating learning, recall, and creative thinking. When combined with behaviour modification audiotapes, it facilitates the release of mental blocks and emotional distress. I now enjoy a sense of well-being that I couldn't have imagined a few years ago and am propelled by enthusiasm to accomplish my goals. The DAVID has been a powerful catalyst for healing and personal development, and is an integral part of managing my life."

- Beverly Corrigan

"I want to tell you what a great help the DAVID has been to me. I have now completed a series of ten chemotherapy sessions over a thirty-week period, during which I used the DAVID every day. The elapsed time daily varied between a half-hour and two hours, napping, listening to music or repeating my mantra. In every instance there was a sense of welcome relief from the rigors of chemotherapy. I had come home from the hospital with prescriptions for Tylenol 3 with codeine for pain, Restoril to get me to sleep and Xanax for anxiety. They all did their job but I found my physical demand cycle for them growing shorter all the time. However, I was soon able to break into this process and replace the afternoon medication with a session on the DAVID. Then six weeks after leaving the hospital I decided to forgo these "comfort" medications to see if I could sort out the stresses of the illness from those of the pharmaceutical dependency, and confront my true symptoms, meaning that whenever I felt especially lousy I would take a session on the DAVID.....Anytime. In every case I was able to go from a negative situation to one of relief and optimism, often followed by healing sleep, but also when necessary, to be allowed to function properly so as to keep running a small business from my home. Encouraged by this, I kicked all these chemical prescriptions out of my house – the cravings subsided after three weeks – and I'm very sure I would have had a monumentally difficult struggle were it not for the DAVID. I'm not suggesting that the DAVID ought to be prescribed for patients in acute need of humanitarian comforts, to the detriment of the interest of our beloved pharmaceutical industry; but on the other hand would like to offer the opinion that when such drugs have completed their assignments and it's time to get back to normal, then the DAVID might be regarded as an excellent transitional vehicle. If I maintain my proper discipline, there is a good chance I can be free from lymphoma after another year. This means getting from 9 to 12 hours sleep every day, never neglecting herbal dosages, etc., – but at the same time I have been encouraged by my doctors to lead a normal life otherwise. More than that, the heightened awareness of one's mortality is an inspiration to accomplish as many life goals as possible in the remaining time. With this in mind, I flew to Sweden this summer to participate in their Vastervik Folk Song festival. I used the DAVID both ways on the plane to minimize my jet-lag. When I arrived at the festival after 20 straight hours of travel, I was informed that my public appearances would commence in two hours. I couldn't rely on a mere nap to revitalize me, so I recomposed myself with a session on the unit. During the summertime, the Swedes tend to lead twenty hour days, and this was the reverse of my recent past, where I had been sleeping that length of time daily. Again and again it was the goggles and earphones to the rescue for me. I went on from the festival to the World Equestrian Games in Stockholm and was able to videotape all the fence-jumping on the cross-country course, a five-mile event in 100 degree heat, and then continue on with the rest of my day just as a completely healthy person would. Another unexpected application cropped up not long ago. I had enjoyed a delicious Chinese dinner in Boston, but woke up in the middle of the night with the MSG blues: heart pounding like mad. I reached for the DAVID immediately in the hope that it would help me stabilize my processes, and yea, it sure did! Nowadays I'm still carefully monitoring my energy expenditures, which often means going to be tired but not sleepy, so I'll do a Theta session for amusement and then a Delta to take me surely to sleep. When it's a bit noisy in the early morning and I'm wakened but know I'll require more rest, I'll manually punch in a half-hour at 2 Hz, followed by the same amount of time at 1 Hz, then get ready for the new day with a spell of 7.83. I must have put in a thousand hours by now, but I feel there is so much more to explore. I can't believe all this comes from pulsations of light and sound, but I should ... since my professional duties are divided between music and video production. Speaking of that, it looks like I will be in for some heavy-duty action in the near future: A reunion of the Original Kingston Trio (I was the founder and leader) and interwoven into almost the same time-frame, an hour long video project entitled Intensive Equestrian Conditioning to be taped in Scotland this fall and winter, and I will produce and direct that. So I want to thank you very much for letting me try out the new Paradise unit, it looks like a person could shape the session rather precisely, shop around a bit, have a real adventure, if that feels appropriate. I could go on at great length about the sensations of color and pattern, the feelings of well-being and the freedom to either drift off or to maintain trains of reasoning and/or imagery, but it seems other folks have done a great job with that already. I just wanted to share some very real experiences with you and to express my gratitude to you and David Siever for making such remarkable technology available in my hour of greatest need!"

- Dave Guard

"I really enjoyed taking part in the hypertension research project – especially when it brought my blood pressure down. I liked using the DAVID unit as it was very calming and relaxing. I always looked forward to the time when I would use the unit." - Pat Neill "Nick used the unit and found it worked well. He used it frequently, not only because it lowered his blood pressure, but I think he felt better mentally as well. He is in excellent mental health but this (I think) calmed him. I believe his blood pressure has been lowered since using the unit to this date. Nick also used less medication. We believe this is very helpful." - Maxine & Nick Poburan "In December I bought one of your devices to help my sister who has been seriously physically ill and also suffering from some stress due to certain war-related news and noise in her area just outside the country’s largest naval base. I am happy to report that she experienced great relief on the second day she used your machine and was able to enjoy a good night’s sleep, which relief has continued. Thank you so much." - Lucy Mendenhall

- More Testimonials



“A new back injury is tough to deal with. However, with the help of the DAVID Delight Pro, I can still get up every morning! Two ways it is helping me; pain management and sleep. I use the CES/MET on my back. The gentle pulsing helps to keep the pain at bay. Using AVE at night puts me to sleep in no time flat. Thank you so much Mind Alive for a great product!”

- Danielle D

"For 2 years I've been overtired and have fought my way through my family life and my work. Unfortunately, for 1 year I have had a chronic pain condition and several pain crises. I found out about DAVID Delight through an acquaintance. I have now been using it for 5 days and feel like a new person. The constant tension is gone. Everything is clearer. I no longer have "disturbing" feelings and I'm able to concentrate again at a high level and am more balanced. A magnificent thanks to the developers."

- Ina

"I had shoulder surgery about a month ago and my doc and PT insist I keep taking narcotics for pain and motion enhancement. They're horrible (the drugs - not the docs). They cause nausea and headaches. And withdrawal has been torture. However, the Oasis CES calms me down and alleviates pain. I've been doing theta and alpha sessions and the difference before and after is remarkable. No nausea. No headache. I've been doing two 45 min sessions a day. My PT is impressed with the range of motion improvement despite my taking no medications at all. Thanks to Dave and Mind Alive!"

- Cynthia Kerson

"I had seen the DAVID Delight Pro device and wanted one for several years to help with sleep issues, but simply could not justify the price…or so I thought. Also a concern was whether it actually worked, was it medically safe and was it simply a psychological “trick” or gimmick. On 6 October 2015, I sustained a fairly severe concussion and subsequent intense headaches, so intense I missed work for weeks and when I finally did return to work, could only stand to do so part-time for over a month. I had intense headaches, sleep loss, mood swings and memory loss. So though not specifically mentioned in many places for treatment of concussion issues, I decided between my meditation practice, my sleep issues, my aversion to chemicals and my desire to alleviate the pain at almost all costs, I invested the money in the device. While the device certainly has helped at all levels, specifically, in regards to the concussive symptoms, I found varying my focus on the “images” or patterns presented by the glasses, my symptoms of pain and nausea started to lessen and then disappear within only two uses of the device. Within 4-5 days I was going several hours without pain and could fall asleep within 20 minutes. I have now been using it for 7 months. My eye therapy (I had a vestibular alignment issue from the concussion) progressed much faster than my therapists had anticipated. It’s also important to note that I am a very physically active person with a very high pain tolerance. Over my lifetime, and mostly in my early to late teens, I have been in the ER more than 15 times for broken bones, burns, severe cuts and dislocations, mostly sports related. I also grew up on a farm and worked in construction most of my twenties and thirties. I say this only to give “credibility” to the fact that I am not one who succumbs to minor injury, annoyances or physical discomfort. The pain that this device alleviated for me would be classified as severe to debilitating for most people."

- Brent Hugo

"I honestly cannot live without my DAVID Delight Pro. Its CES function alone far surpasses the quality of the American models! But to have a device with so much more! Its a perfect fusion of CES and audio and visual entrainment. I've been able to share this device with others. My husband is a 23 year veteran of the Air Force and works with Veterans coming home from war. This would be so valuable to so many PTSD vets to help ease pain and depression and regain their mental focus. Its helped me with depression and fibromyalgia pain, as well as my ADHD. Thank God I found out about this amazing company!"

- Lynn Allison Nelson

"I am a very pleased new user of a DAVID Delight Pro. I've used AVE and sound based technology for 30+ years - I used Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync cassettes back in the '70s. Your technology is the best I've ever used. Whether I'm using it to relax, meditate, or to energize; relieve a headache or inspire creativity; the DAVID Delight Pro does the job easily and seamlessly. Now it's become a bit of a fight to use the machine. Between my daughter using it to ease her periods and my 82-year-old dad using it to lessen his pain from back strain, this instrument is a popular item around our house!"

- Mark B.

"My husband is in hospice care ---- terrible nights - agitated - no sleep. The usual answer is to give morphine but we used the DAVID. Totally changed the night experience. Now he is comfortable. No more twitches. Sleeping pretty soundly. I gave the info to the Hospice people. Well done, Dave Siever. I have very high regard for your work and all of you who have worked to produce this healing instrument."

- Ellen S.

"I got an intereochanteric fracture while playing on a slackline on Saturday afternoon. They gave me pain medications at 4 in the afternoon AFTER an excruciating transfer to the x-ray table and series of x-rays. From that point until and beyond today I have managed all my pain with sub-delta AVE and CES. I did not get surgery until Sunday morning so it should have been a very painful night. No joke, this technology is better than morphine. Just the CES alone was enough to put me to sleep within 15 - 20 and I would sleep for an 1.5 - 2 hours before waking up and repeating. Nurses stopped asking me if I wanted pain medication when I was doing laps up and down the hallway with my walker by Sunday afternoon."

- Sargent Goodchild

"The Oasis Pro has been a great addition to my pain control regimen, it seems to 'get at' the deeper pain more effectively than the TENS devices I have used in the past. I would not hesitate to recommend it."

- Michelle B.

"From a customer who is using her Mind Alive device in conjunction with a Doctor's supervision. I made an appointment with Dr. Saunders to receive help with bipolar depression and pain. I have struggled for over 15 years and have tried everything to find relief. Within just a few months of receiving help from Dr. Saunders with TDCS and CES, my condition is in complete remission. I got my life back! I couldn’t be more grateful! I feel confident to be able to use tDCS and CES for health on my own thanks to his help . I feel completed liberated, strong, and empowered."

- Kate F.

"The following is about my experience with the DAVID (first purchased in 2002 and still in use), to the DAVID Delight Pro newly purchased, and few DAVID PAL 36s in the middle. Let me begin by stating my experience in biofeedback began in the mid 1980s using EMG for muscle tension. I learned about EEG and went through the training and, years later, was among the first group to become certified. I saw great benefit in biofeedback for a number of problems. I began using this to treat anxiety, depression, ADD, and most typical complaints presented to clinicians. Treatment went well for most patients. However, my biggest complaint with this treatment was the length of time it took to for a patient to receive some benefit. Then, by a stroke of luck, another clinician was telling me about AVE and had a DAVID Paradise XL. He specialized in ADHD and would tell me about the changes he noticed in his young patients with the AVE. I tried this “new gadget” and did not think it would amount to much of anything. Well, I was in for the surprise of my life. I felt some things that took me weeks or longer using biofeedback, were quickly resolved with the DAVID. I was hooked and had to have my unit. I began using DAVID AVE instruments in 2002, and continued with EEG Biofeedback as well. In my practice I noticed a much quicker response time for those with AVE. Patients seemed to enjoy this more than other treatments, and it was user friendly. I had witnessed such a dramatic success rate that I slowly decreased the usage of EEG and went completely with AVE. I found significant improvements in patients, especially those referred for chronic pain. It seemed to me that what I could typically have a patient experience in one AVE session would have taken about three weeks or more of training with biofeedback. But I do need to make one point perfectly clear. I am in no way putting down biofeedback. I am just commenting on my experience with the DAVID AVE units. For the past seven years, I have been using AVE exclusively. I am employed at a hospital and am part of the pain management team. I have found that, in most cases, using a sub-delta .5-1 frequency has provided the greatest relief of pain for most patients. I have used AVE for treating tension headaches, Migraines, fibromyalgia, PTSD, stroke patients with paralysis (and actually had success in getting some feeling back to the effected areas), and other psychiatric and physical problems. I believe that there may be endless treatment considerations for AVE. The reason I titled this, “I don’t believe it!” is due to the average comment a patient tells me, first of all when I explain what AVE is and how it will work, and then, after the first session when they feel the reduction in pain or the state of relaxation. I have also noticed, and have been recording, blood pressure readings before and after sessions. I have consistently noticed a reduction in blood pressure on about 85% of patients. Some patients have made incredible gains, enough so they were able to reduce or stop their medications whether it is for hypertension or pain. The DAVID AVE products have proven to be exceptionally reliable and, if I have ever experienced a problem, I made a phone call, talked to Dave, or any of the friendly staff, and the problem was fixed. I can not express my amazement in the success of this treatment and my gratitude for producing an instrument that is of such high quality. Dave, I thank you and my patients thank you. "

- Mark Koharchick, PhD, LPC

"Last month I had an outpatient medical procedure which turned out to be very unpleasant. Then two weeks later I pulled a groin muscle and pinched a nerve in my left leg while doing some heavy lifting. Both experiences were painful, not to mention totally aggravating! I utilized seven sessions in your Delight Pro to help overcome my negative feelings and those painful sensations. Your system exceeded my expectations. This was the first time that I did not need to augment pain medications with AVE equipment for dealing with the extreme discomfort I felt. Having personally used light and sound equipment for over 25 years, the Delight Pro is the first system that effectively helped me deal with pain issues without the need for prescribed pain medications. I am totally impressed with the sessions you created for the Delight Pro and I am 100% confident when recommending this system to my clients who are in need of pain relief."

- Michael Landgraf

"I purchased a DAVID recently. My mom loves it so much I can't get my hands on it. She has lupus and chronic pain. With the DAVID, her days and nights have improved dramatically. Her cheeks are rosey and she looks so relaxed (a rare sight). So I am ordering her a DAVID, so I can get mine back."

- Dave Rivers

"I am a 49-year-old woman with an autoimmune disease that is very disabling. For two and a half years doctors have been unable to control the disease or the pain. There have been periods of one to three months that I have been completely bedridden. This causes a terrible strain on me and my family. My therapist asked me if I would like to try her DAVID to see if it could help at all with easing stress, sleeping, increasing energy, and pain control. I said yes- but I was pretty skeptical that a machine could do all that. I usually stay with "western medicine" practices. I borrowed her DAVID anyway. I used the DAVID for ten days, twice a day. I immediately noticed a difference in my sleep. I was able to sleep more deeply, so not as long. After a week, I also noticed I wasn’t taking as much pain medicine as usual. Just a little less but even that was a big difference for me. I was pretty shocked by the changes I was seeing and then I had to return the DAVID to my therapist. About two days after returning the DAVID, I started feeling worse again - more painful, worsening sleep. I decided right then to buy my own and have been fortunate enough to do so. I am getting back into my cycle of using it twice a day. Once again, I have seen immediate results. Thank you, Mind Alive. This has really helped me.."

- Nina Hearney

"I can't thank you enough for developing such a wonderful product. For the last eight months, I have been using the DAVID for my fibromyalgia. A perker session in the morning gives me enough energy to get through the day. After two years of being unable to work, I am now working at two part-time jobs. Muscle pain has almost become a thing of the past. When it does occur, a quick session on the DAVID soon rectifies that. Due to a sleep disturbance, it was necessary to take supplements for sleeping for over three years. Now with the DAVID I am off all sleep aids and sleeping well. Gradually, I have found my mind is much clearer and alert. My old personality is finally beginning to return. Apart from the health related benefits, I am also thoroughly enjoying using the DAVID to enhance my meditations. I look forward to playing and exploring with the other sessions that are available as well. It was not a difficult decision when I decided to become a distributor and share this wonderful technology with others."

- Donalie Caldwell

"My most sincere thank you for the DAVID. Having suffered with back pain from degenerative disc disease since 1964, the DAVID has really changed my world and way of living. When I first started using the DAVID, I found I was finally able to have a deep sleep and gradually had less pain upon arising. Within three weeks, after being virtually house bound, I was able to go out for up to five hours! Friends who have not see me in a while are absolutely surprised at the change in me. I sleep better, have less pain and am more relaxed. Wonderful! I was even able to change residence. Without the DAVID, it would have been impossible. Trying out the various programs is an adventure and a pleasant experience. My most sincere thank you again for having given back to me relief and restful nights. I can now look forward with pleasure to celebrating and not just enduring my 70th birthday."

- Lori Haselhorst

"I was asked to write an opinion about my experience with DAVID. Thank you for the opportunity of being a part of your research study and allowing me to experience medical benefits from using the DAVID. This wonderful brainwave entrainment device made my miserable life easier, more bearable, and increased the quality of my life while using it. I was an energetic person until 1992 when the onset of my severe health problems (including back injury, depression, fatigue, insomnia and then as a secondary debilitating Fibromyalgia/Myofascial Pain Syndrome complex, and Hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis) caused me to came to sloth-like states such as moving slowly and painfully. Every single task in my daily life became robotic. I experienced musculoskeletal pains all over my body. I also experienced paresthesias, edema, tenderness, pulling in my muscles, constant pain in the neck, the head, shoulders, arms, my entire back, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, limbs, knees, elbows, feet, joints, ligaments. With the above came the non-restorative, unrefreshing, light, fragmented sleep patterns and also body stiffness, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, poor short-term memory, poor concentration, irritability, sensitivity to loud sounds, bright lights, decreased hearing, sensitivity to drugs, environmental sensitivities, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry mouth, problem with balance, problem with judging distances, mixing up words while talking and/or writing, dysmobility, incoordination, chills, dizziness, flu like symptoms, sore throat, heat/cold intolerance, loss of appetite, mood swings, night sweats, hypersensitive skin, pain while breathing and breathing difficulty. My symptoms get worse with repetitive activity, physical over-activity or under-activity and also with physical and mental stress, anxiety, cold, heat, high humidity, weather change, hormones and more. Just reading the above symptoms can make one depressed but in my case I experience all of them. The symptoms are severe enough to impair my normal functioning on a daily basis in every possible way including the trauma of not being able to work, and not being able to do things like before. What did the DAVID do for me? I have been trying almost everything that present medicine can offer for my health problems resulting in a little improvement (most of those things help me just to survive from one day to another). My symptoms improve with multi-disciplinary program including: heat, gentle exercises, dry weather change, relaxation, light massage, magnetic therapy, ultra-term, electro-stimulation, acupuncture, supplements, herbs, medication but nothing was as effective as DAVID which gave me hope for more than just survival from day to day. From the very first day of using this device (continued using for about 5 months), my sleep patterns have been improved, I slept deeper and the frequency of my wake ups decreased. I experienced less pain, less stiffness, less muscle tenderness, decreased some of sensitivities and increased physical and mental energy. I, and those around me, became more happy. It was like a new possibility to try and push myself to do more for my health and to be a part of my family of five. Presently, four weeks after the return of DAVID my sleep patterns returned to my previous ones. Again I wake up not refreshed. I experience intensive, deep, dull, aching, exhausting, nagging, unbearable pain most of the time. I also experience more: stiffness, fatigue, sensitivity, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, depression and feelings of being worthless. I found DAVID to be crucial for the quality of my sleep, my only alternative, especially that the doctors believe that there is no cure for Fibromyalgia."

- Elzbieta Gorecka

"I suffer from extreme fatigue and pain due to Fibromyalgia. After using the DAVID Paradise Jr. for four weeks I began to experience six 'good' hours a day where I felt 75% normal or pre-fibromyalgia. Having experienced very little remission over the course of the two years with FMS - I am very excited. I experienced quite a significant decrease in pain and fatigue that I thought to myself 'I feel almost normal!' My hope is that six hours will turn into eight, then ten, then twelve and I will be back to functioning as I want to be. Often when I returned home from a medical appointment or errand I would be in so much pain and too fatigued to attempt anything. I would do a half hour program on the DAVID and feel 'I can stretch now and maybe prepare dinner.' Additionally I would experience endorphin rushes instead of pain while stretching and doing yoga. This made exercise a great deal more enjoyable! I have meditated for 20 years, practiced yoga for two years, Q Gong for three years and I was immediately aware that within two minutes I was brought to a deep meditative state with the DAVID. I have noticed that if I am able to meditate two hours I have a great decrease in FMS symptoms but I am often only able to obtain this state once every one or two weeks as my mind won't settle down. With the DAVID this state became more obtainable on a daily basis. I discussed the changes I experienced with my doctor and we both feel there is a certain correlation with my improvement and the DAVID."

- Anghared Finch

"During the period of about mid-October, 1998 to March of 1999, I used a DAVID for the purpose of improving my ability to experience a continuous sleep at night. Previous to my using a DAVID, it was impossible for me not to awake at least five to ten times each night. When I was first given the use of a DAVID, I must admit to being very skeptical of its claimed effectiveness. I was at first reluctant to attempt to use the device, thinking it to be yet another trendy electronic gimmick. High in flash and low in benefit other than perhaps a placebo effect. I initially resisted using the device, but late one evening, about a week after having received it, I lay down on the couch and turned it on. I watched the display of lights for about ten minutes then I became impatient, turned it off and went to bed. That evening I woke up only twice. This improvement provided the incentive to continue to use the device for several subsequent evenings, just before going to bed. As the duration of the continuous sleep increased and the incidence of waking up decreased, I soon found myself using the device every night. With the assistance of the DAVID, I noticed a marked improvement in my ability to sustain sleep throughout the night. I would encourage anyone experiencing difficulties sustaining sleep to use a DAVID."

- Paul Rykes

"The following are some of the benefits that I have experienced while using the DAVID during the research/study program: Total elimination of morning and evening stiffness Deeper and more relaxing sleep More relaxed and energetic in the mornings Less pain due to better sleep Energy pattern more stable I personally believe that the DAVID machine helps significantly in controlling some of the symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. I certainly would recommend the machine to anyone with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."

- Vivian Martin

"I have had Fibromyalgia Syndrome for about five years. One of the worst problems associated with this condition is disordered sleep patterns, which can manifest as inability to fall asleep, light sleep which is unrefreshing and easily interrupted, inability to sleep long enough, or to reach deep sleep stages necessary for regeneration and healing, and/or other sleep disturbances. I have found the DAVID to be extremely effective for all these symptoms. Using it, I am able to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer. I have also found various programs on my DAVID helpful to use with healing and meditation visualizations, as well as for waking relaxation and energy-boosting, all of which help greatly with pain control and reduction of physical and emotional tension. I am very happy with my DAVID."

- Natalia Dobrolige

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia three years ago and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome this year. My main complaints are fatigue, pain and uncontrollable shaking. I have been using the DAVID for three months. Using the DAVID unit had decreased the intensity and duration of my pain. Although I still get headaches, I don't get migraines, and my headaches do not last as long as they used to. I used to disappear for three months at a time because of pain, fatigue and self-consciousness. I used to hide because of my discomfort, but using the DAVID has decreased my discomfort and I don't suffer for as long as I used to. Part of that was what felt like anxiety attacks. I'd become overwhelmed, and that could last for hours or days. While in this state, my pain and fatigue could come back in a day or a month and would range in severity. Since using the DAVID, I have not had a severe anxiety attack, and the frequency of these attacks is less. My sleep has improved and I'm less tired. Because of fatigue it was hard to control my emotions. Since using the DAVID device I have far more control. Using the DAVID has also increased my energy level. I used to sleep eighteen hours a day and still feel tired. Now I sleep less and have more energy. Family members who have problems sleeping have also found the DAVID to be effective. The first day I used the unit I went from barely being able to walk to being able to go to school the next day. The day after that I was able to work out. I stopped using the unit for four or five days to see if it was actually the unit that was working or if my expectations were producing the results I wanted. Within a couple of days I was feeling tired and sluggish again. I went back on the unit and have not come back off. Nor do I plan to."

- Norm Monette

"Since 1982, I have been suffering from pain in one ear, which has been getting worse every year. Some of the solutions that I tried were a mouth splint, physiotherapy, chiropractor, acupuncture, steroids injected into my mouth, and prescription drugs. The only thing that helped was anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-seizure drugs. I became allergic to the anti-seizure drugs and had to discontinue them. In the last couple of years, I have had to resort to more pain medication and the only solution that was suggested, was to sever a nerve going to the ear. I started using the DAVID in November and since then I’ve had a substantial decrease in pain. I have virtually stopped using prescription pain medication for the ear pain and I am no longer kept awake at night with ear pain. I was made aware of this device though the medium of television and I’m grateful for the help that it has been to me."

- Shirley Smith

"I first found out about the DAVID on television last fall. At the time, I had just been through three major abdominal surgeries. Due to the nature of the complications, I had not slept a decent night’s sleep in several months, specifically as the result of the chronic pain I was in. When I received my machine, I could not believe the immediate results. Thinking that I was fooling myself, I anxiously used the DAVID on a regular basis every day. I even took it to work and used it during my lunch hour. This enabled me to function well enough at work that I eliminated the use of the prescribed painkillers I was taking. This eliminated the terrible side effects that were happening to me. After the second day of using the device, I knew that the great benefit to me was well worth its cost. Several times I have even fallen asleep while using the DAVID before bedtime and woken up the next morning to the alarm clock with both the headphones and eye-set still on. I believe that the unit’s programs eliminated my pain before bed and enabled me to sleep very soundly and painlessly. I have all the confidence in the world when it comes to promoting this unit and its effects to anyone who has to live and function normally with chronic pain."

- Greg Mynzak

"I purchased a DAVID machine in September 1997 and after reading the material and experimenting a bit settled on some programs that seemed to provide the most benefit. Since you told me that I had an over abundance of beta waves, I avoided any programs which contained these. I initially used the Clean out the Closet and the Meditate to Sleep programs. Even while using the machine for the first time, I could feel the tension around my sternum easing up a bit. After using those two programs, the former in the afternoon, and the latter at bedtime, for three days I noticed after I got out of bed on the fourth day that my shoulder and neck which had such a deep ache to them for such a very long time were instead feeling a fuzzy tingling, and that the pain was gone! Only then could I more accurately determine the constant level of pain which I had been subjected to as closer to a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, rather than the 3 which I think I put on your questionnaire. After a few more days my energy level gradually increased, although my stamina was and is still poor. My tension headaches, which could be very severe, have become much less frequent, and when they do occur I can use the DAVID to eliminate them. I have also halved my dosage of Zoloft to 100 mg per day. I am not the only one that has noticed a difference. My husband, who used to disturb my troubled sleep with his snoring is being paid back big time. I am apparently snoring the roof of the house now when I use the machine to go to sleep. My massage therapist has also noticed a marked difference. Where my muscles used to almost jump at her with the slightest touch, and were very slow to respond, they are now much more pliable so the massages have become more beneficial. Although I am by no means well, my quality of life has improved to the point that I was able to drive to Pennsylvania in late September to visit my sister, and attend a horse show for five days with my DAVID machine in tow. The horse show, with all the walking, long hours and my assistance to a friend with her horses proved to be too much, so I had to cut short my stay and miss the final weekend. I was forced to take two days to recuperate in bed in a hotel in New Jersey before returning home. I have no doubt that without the DAVID machine my body spasms would have become much worse, longer lasting and more painful. Since returning home it has taken me about two and a half weeks to get to the point where I am not overcome with fatigue. I am still having some spasm problems. My husband, Jalal Hosein, MD., and I wholly endorse the DAVID machine for the positive difference it has made in our lives."

- Martha Haley

"I am writing to thank you for the many benefits my daughter and I have experienced from using the DAVID. You will recall that Joyanna and I came to see you initially because of her attention deficit disorder. While we were in the office, I discovered that the DAVID can be used for a variety of purposes. I decided to try it to deal with my sleep disorder and chronic pain. We have both had positive results using your invention. Joyanna was having difficulty completing tasks at home and at school. Her frustration, her teachers' and ours were creating many problems related to the basic ADD. Once she began to use the machine we were not only able to deal with the ADD, but with the resultant problems as well. Consequently, we were able to have the most pleasant family summer vacation that we have had in years. For my part, it has become routine for me to be able to count on rising in the morning feeling refreshed and happy from a good night's sleep. Even when I was on four different medications, I could not count on being able to sleep. I can do so with the DAVID. I have also used the DAVID to go into a state of deep relaxation to deal with chronic pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia. Although I am never quite free of pain, the DAVID provides me with more effective relief than any medication I have tried and with the benefit of no side effects! As well, you said you have noticed an unexplained correlation between use of your invention, and improved general health. This seems to be true for me, as I no longer seem to be "catching everything that's going around". To conclude my letter, I would like to thank you, on behalf of my daughter, and myself, for the improved quality of life that we have experience through using the DAVID."

- Pat Mitchell

"The DAVID machine has helped me control my pain levels very effectively. I do use the equipment a lot. At least three hours a day from pain relief. I also use it most nights to help me sleep. Thank you."

- Marie DeLuca

"I have used the DAVID for the last three years for pain control. It relaxes me to the point where the pain diminishes extremely. My son had a sleeping problem for over a year to where he had become suicidal. With the help of the DAVID, he was able to overcome his sleeping problem within three months and no longer needs it. My thanks goes out to you."

- Elke Hemmings


"I use the DAVID to keep me on task and make me, as a day trader investor, at the top of my trading performance. There are mental trading coaches who address the same problems but it takes 3 to 6 months and costs thousands of dollars. Using the DAVID, I was able to get to that place in a couple of weeks and using the DAVID keeps me in 'mental' tune. I use my DAVID every day."

- Carl Dixon

"I'm writing to give you exciting feedback on your Omniscreen lamp. This past spring semester I was forced to devote a weekend to read and study eight complex chapters for my college biochemistry course before the midterm the following week (due to procrastination and a busy schedule, no less!). My usual attention span and focus allows for about two hours of continuous study before I feel a little "fried" and find myself repeating the same line over and again. At this stage of the game, I didn't have time to waste and needed to be able to retain LOTS of information. I decided to try your lamp, owned by a friend. I set it over my books and programmed it through my DAVID Paradise to flash continuously at 15 Hertz. The difference in my ability to study was remarkable. The response by my brain was beyond what can be achieved by popular brain nutrients on the market. I experienced sustained alert and focused attention for as long as I choose to continue studying. I was able to read the material more quickly while comprehending with better fluidity. To my amazement, I completed the eight chapters feeling little fatigue in the two days and was confident of my learned knowledge. There is no doubt I experienced improved memory retention as a result of feeling both alert and relaxed while studying. Believe me, I was very pleased with my A grade on this challenging exam! Of course I used the lamp again for help before the final exam with equally beneficial results. Most assuredly I recommend the Omniscreen Lamp as the best brain tool to help anyone study and learn! Thanks for such a clever invention!!"

- Noel Thomas


"Recently I sent my Delight Pro to Mind Alive for an upgrade and not having it the past few weeks made me realize how important it is to my daily wellness. In 2004, I attended a conference to become a Neurotherapist and was introduced to the Mind Alive units by the instructor. I had no idea Audio-Visual Entrainment technology existed. The ability to manage mood, alertness, focus, sleep, etc. without the use of medication or caffeine opened a whole new world for me. So I bought a unit & shared it with my son. He used it to “get in the zone” before his varsity tennis matches, to ace the SAT & to calm teenage angst. Instead of relying on caffeine I used the Energize sessions to get me going in the morning. I have used almost all of the program options at one time or another these past 16 years. For example, public speaking is my greatest fear so I found an empty room before my presentation and did a quick “Relaxer” session to calm my anxiety. My presentation was a success! Currently I keep my Delight Pro on my nightstand. I fall asleep easily, but awaken between 3 - 4 a.m. unable to go back to sleep. The Delta session results in an additional 2 - 3 hours of sleep. This makes a big difference in the quality of my day. Clearly, I love the Mind Alive products, but I also want to say how impressed I am with the company’s customer support. I received an email from Mind Alive that a free [gamma] upgrade to the software was available. Since I was sending a package anyway, I decided to include 3 older Mind Alive units that were malfunctioning for repair. Keep in mind I use my units daily so they do wear out. I was hoping they could repair my older units, but of course I expected to be charged. I received an email that the upgrade had been completed and 1 of the 3 old units had been repaired……at no charge. The other 2 were beyond repair. So I was delighted to have 1 of my old units functioning again and at no cost to me. Now that is great customer service! However, I should not have been surprised because this happened to me previously in 2008. I called Mind Alive after hours one evening to leave a message about repairing my unit and Dave answered the phone. I couldn’t believe I was speaking with the genius mind who developed these great products. He was very patient with me and told me where to send it for a repair. Imagine my surprise when I received my newly repaired unit at no charge. What a company! The employees work hard to make the customer happy. I have a long history with Mind Alive—I have personally bought about 10 units over the years for my personal use and for my children. I have also introduced my Neurofeedback clients to its advantages. They appreciated the control they had over their brain function. There was no worry about side effects. I often heard from the parents of ADD/ADHD parents that they could hear their children playing in the middle of the night. The kids could not go to sleep because the stimulant medication was in their system and kept them awake. They had no way to “turn it off”. Mind Alive products can be used in the moment and as needed leaving no long term residual drugs in the system. AVE products have improved the quality of my life and I remain a fan. The company, Mind Alive not only offers a high quality product, but also stands behind it. I purchased the original unit because I was impressed with its capabilities; I have purchased additional units through the years, because of the integrity of the company and the people who work there."

- Joanna Strong, LPC

"Wow, the Mind Alive team really delivered in every sense of the word! First-rate service, incredibly responsive, and I was already using my David Delight just 18 hours after placing the order. An all-around fantastic experience!"

- Mike Szakaly

"Thank you so much for making such an incredible product! I have been using the DAVID Delight Pro for about a month now and already I am feeling the benefits. PS - Last month I lost one of the ear clips while on vacation. You sent me two new ones. Thank you. An outstanding product coupled with exceptional customer service!"

- Cindy Daly

"I just wanted to write a review about the excellent customer service and experience I have received from Michael at mindmachines.com for the David Delight Pro. First, the David Delight Pro has been an amazing device. My neurofeedback therapist said that neurofeedback wouldn't work on me because I was taking a benzodiazepine and indeed, I didn't notice a difference from the neurofeedback. We quit after 3 sessions. Conversely, I have noticed several differences since I got my DAVID Delight Pro with TruVu glasses. I have felt feelings I hadn't felt for years. I can actually soothe my body. My long-term severe depression is gone. My negative self-talk has radically decreased. I appreciate and enjoy silence more. I see more beauty outside of me. I am more present in the moment. Etc. etc. Michael has given me lots of helpful information, answered several of my calls and taken many of my questions, and further has been very kind and honest. I find him both generous and a pleasure to work with. It's nice to speak to a businessman and honestly believe he wants what is best for you and I'm on the skeptical side in that department. Further, Michael is not the manufacturer of the DAVID Delight Pro so you can feel comfortable with his speaking openly about other devices as well as The DAVID Delight Pro. I am very grateful for our conversations and have learned so much. Thank you, Mike! Thank you Mindmachines! And thank you Mindalive! Their customer service has been excellent as well. I was not asked nor offered anything to write this review."

- Mark Thomas

“The depth and breadth of Dave’s knowledge about AVE and CES, his passion for this work, his creativity and his commitment to customer service are unparalleled. I got a DAVID Delight for personal use and have since "turned on" many friends. There are many vendors of brain enhancement technology out there, and it’s easy to get lost in the woods for those of us with limited understanding and experience. No worries….Mind Alive is the answer. This is solid, research-based, cutting edge technology and unwavering customer support. My experience with Dave was fantastic. I cannot say enough good about Mind Alive”

- Amy Hudson, Ph.D., LCDC, BCIA

"I honestly cannot live without my DAVID Delight Pro. Its CES function alone far surpasses the quality of the American models! But to have a device with so much more! Its a perfect fusion of CES and audio and visual entrainment. I've been able to share this device with others. My husband is a 23 year veteran of the Air Force and works with Veterans coming home from war. This would be so valuable to so many PTSD vets to help ease pain and depression and regain their mental focus. Its helped me with depression and fibromyalgia pain, as well as my ADHD. Thank God I found out about this amazing company!"

- Lynn Allison Nelson

"Thank you so much for making such an incredible product! I have been using the DAVID Delight Pro for about a month now and already I am feeling the benefits. PS - Last month I lost one of the ear clips while on vacation. You sent me two new ones. Thank you. An outstanding product coupled with exceptional customer service!"

- Cindy Daly

"Great customer service! Both getting and returning the device was fast and stressless. Just mailed it back and got the refund in a couple of days. Although Oasis was not seeming to help in my particular condition, I’m considering getting another device once my test results and diagnosis are finalized. Just want to thank the Mind Alive team again for their efficient work."

- Marina Tchistaia

"I had a DAVID PAL-36 for around eight years. And now the DAVID Delight. You make wonderful products; and are kind, generous, and conscientious in dealing with your customers. And I REALLY appreciate it!"

- Joe Crook

"I use Mind Alive products, both personally and professionally, at our center. Dave and his staff are amazing and knowledgeable in the field."

- Kyle Ferroly

"Thank you so very much for your prompt and courteous service. In my opinion, you also went above and beyond in lining up all the shipping details, which I also greatly appreciate. (Many American businesses could certainly take a lesson regarding good service from your example!). I just placed an order for an ALERT PRO and 2 sets of Tru-Vu glasses. The products are far superior to any other AVS device I have tried with the students in my school and the clients in my private counseling/neurostimulation practice. And as if that were not enough, I am about a one-third of the way through Mr. Siever’s neurostimulation online course and enjoying that very much."

- Patrick Young, M.Ed., M.S., LCPC, CADC

"I am a very pleased new user of a DAVID Delight Pro. I've used AVE and sound based technology for 30+ years - I used Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync cassettes back in the '70s. Your technology is the best I've ever used. Whether I'm using it to relax, meditate, or to energize; relieve a headache or inspire creativity; the DAVID Delight Pro does the job easily and seamlessly. Now it's become a bit of a fight to use the machine. Between my daughter using it to ease her periods and my 82-year-old dad using it to lessen his pain from back strain, this instrument is a popular item around our house!"

- Mark B.

"I just received my order for the DAVID Delight Plus and the OASIS Pro. I want to compliment you on your packaging and quality. Nothing compares with your products. I had purchased a competitor's product in the past and, while it is OK, I do not get anywhere near the results in relaxation of body and mind as I do with your products. The cases you include with your machines are top quality and what is necessary to keep the items safe and to be able to carry them with you. You should be very proud of the quality of your products."

- Rose K.

"5.0 out of 5 stars A well built quality machine. I ordered it on 3-10-2014, and received it today 3-22-2014. The DAVID Delight Plus came well packed and undamaged. Each piece was wrapped nicely-professionally done. Upon reading the manual, I found the instructions were done in a orderly fashion-no jumping around. Also, many parts of the manuals instructions were nicely highlighted in soft colors. The colors do hold interest when reading, sort of soft on the eyes. I give the manual a five star by itself. Very nice looking machine. I'm very pleased with the quality of the unit. The glasses are super great and have a nice soft color on them, the headphones are of very nice quality, very good sounds coming from them. The DAVID Delight Plus is worth the price and wait. The machine itself is well designed. I find the heartbeat to be useful to help pace my breathing until I master it. So, it does come in useful. You can lower the heartbeat sound or raise it, or shut it off. I have a very active mind, always thinking, so I find it hard to sleep many nights in a row. I didn't sleep at all last night, so I gave the DAVID Delight Plus a quick test drive. I laid on the bed, slipped on the glasses, headphones, and switched on the machine, setting it to meditation. After a few minutes or so, I was slipping off into oblivion, but just before I went out, I shut the machine off and got off the bed. That's the fastest I was ever being put to sleep - just beautiful. The DAVID Delight Plus has a soft on and soft off mechanism built into it. It softly but steadily raises the sounds when starting, it lower the sounds to off when nearing the end of the session. It doesn't start loud abruptly, or shut off abruptly. Well thought of. Also, the machine itself, fits in an average size mans hand, probably will fit into most shirt pockets. I bought this machine to help tuck my eyeballs in at night for a sound sleep - it looks like it's the machine that's going to do it. I'm very well pleased with the purchase experience. Thanks for your time my friends." =============================== A little update is in order after first night of use: At around 11:15pm I jumped into bed and buckled up with the DAVID Delight Plus: putting on the headphones, lighted glasses, with the machine near-by. I set the session on the third session on the icon moonlight, this is the sleep sessions. There are five sessions in all under each icon except the plus (+) icon, which is there for you to add five of your own. I could remember barely waking up and removing the headphones and glasses, then falling back to sleep. I woke this morning around 8:25am, feeling entirely rested. I didn't have that brain dead feeling like I usually have when not having any sleep, or partial sleep. I climbed out of bed to go and have a look in the mirror to see the visual effects-no drooping face, no tired looking eyes, no slight bags under the eyes: which all indicates that what I was feeling in my head-rested-was accurate. But, I wasn't done just yet. I decided to go back and lay down and dawn on the DAVID Delight Plus, and go for the Mood sessions, which I did, set at the third session. A little about me below before I tell you how this session worked: Long, long time ago, at the time of my divorce, I went to a psychologist to talk my feelings through, she tested me out as borderline depression: meaning that I was just a little below happy, nothing serious. Example: that would be the guy/girl who comes into the office-never smiling, but not thinking that the world is coming to an end. Then you would have those types that would come in always displaying a smile-always on the borderline above normal. I was borderline depressed-pretty much my whole life. Nothing serious: I would laugh when others laughed-about most things-but I never initiated the laugh. I just fell short of having that happy feeling to initiate a laugh-first. So, borderline depression is nothing serious, and if you look closely, you will see this in others. Now back to the DAVID Delight Plus and the Mood session: After going through the Mood session, I put everything away, started straightening everything up in the room. I noticed after maybe several minutes, I was wearing a smile? A first, it seems in my life. I was not watching TV, listening to radio, and neither did I have breakfast. It could have only been from the DAVID Delight Plus. Apparently, the Mood session was just enough to change the mild depression into a borderline happy? I'm not sure as to how well this would work with someone who has a more serious depression problem, that would be something for one to research on or talk to their doctor about. I just know that for my mild depression, the Mood session worked-this is even after several hours from the session. I'm not sure if this is going to be a permanent fix or if I need to do a session each day? I will monitor this for sometime to see how this works out. "


"I want to thank Mind Alive for your products. This little training unit has been a godsend for both me and my granddaughter - it definitely has made our lives better, much better! I just want to thank the folks who developed these products, and all of the employees who make it possible for so many of us to have much happier lives. You can be very proud of what you do - and I appreciate your stellar customer service!"

- Linda G.

"Carol has been wonderful answering all my questions."

- Martha Nygaard

"Let me absolutely applaud your business practices. In today's times, they are refreshing and admirable. We have heard great compliments about your phone service help from a few patients. It is nice to work with a company that we hear this kind of glowing feedback... keep up the good work!"

- Dr. Robert E. McCarthy

"Thank you for your speedy shipment of my DAVID Delight PRO. I ordered it after you closed on Thursday and just received it early Monday morning from FedEx. It's tremendously refreshing and rejuvenating. Thanks for making a TERRIFIC research and evidence-based product and for being Canadian. I'm Canadian too. I'm from Toronto, but temporarily attending graduate school in the U.S. Go Canadian industry! Your company rocks!"

- Kristin Birks

"The Multi-Color Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyesets are phenomenal because depending on my mood or whatever level I want to reach, I change the color accordingly! They are super and my hat is off to David and your team for coming up with this gem of a product!" Testimonial from Christopher Oliver Creator of the AV3X DVDs, https://web.archive.org/web/20190415164251/http://www.av3x.com December 3, 2010 I love the DAVID Delight Pro. The case is solid and has the feel of quality craftsmanship. It is so sleek and refined compared to the typical metal brick design of many other top end machines. Operation of the unit is intuitive and refreshingly simple. The dual frequency hemispheric glasses create the amazing visual effects while maintaining precise frequency control for the L and R hemispheres. They are hands-down the best made, most solid feeling LS glasses/light frames I have ever used. Most LS glasses look and feel as if they were made in a garage. There is a crude, handmade/homemade aspect to them – from the zip tie that was hand snipped as the wire passes through the earpiece to the “bare board view” of the inside of the glasses. Yours are the most “factory clean” I have ever seen. The color changing buttons are genius in that they are so ergonomic and simple. The CES ear clips are a truly a show-stopper. This is the most convenient CES implementation I have ever used and I have used many. Simply clip them on, no saline, no gel, no sticky pads are needed! I’m excited about doing some programming on this platform."

- Guido Maday

"The DAVID is very powerful. I like the glasses, which are very good - a big improvement on my (competitor's device). Also the audio input lets me separately control the CD/MP3 volume, so I get much better quality sound. The DAVID is a much more elegant integrated solution to incorporating external sound, and much more comfortable. Altogether, it looks like a great product. I like the integrated CES - only product of its type on the market as far as I can see. Good job! Looking forward to exploring my DAVID some more..."

- Paul Richard Hynd

"I want to say how impressed I am with the DAVID. I own two other light and sound machines besides the DAVID and while I certainly think they are good light and sound machines, they are not on the level of the DAVID. I am so impressed about the sheer quality of the experience! I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but the first time I ran a session on the DAVID I was so profoundly affected that I actually had to sit back for almost half an hour in order to let the sheer emotion of it subside. I kept thinking at the time that I didn't know a light and sound machine could do that! Frankly it has ruined the enjoyment and use of my other two machines. The DAVID, combined with the Oasis is one very powerful mind tool! I can’t say enough good things about either! I am so glad I finally purchased both! I only wish I had done it earlier! I like my DAVID a lot and expect to use it for a long time to come!"

- Chuck Word

"Today we were at your store in Edmonton and received wonderful service from one of your sales personnel, Carol Sparrow. She was professional, friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Her kindness and sense of humor was extremely refreshing. In the economic boom of Edmonton, good service from most retail stores is noticeably lacking. It was a surprise to be provided with such excellent service."

- Jeremy and Nora Yuen

"Thank you very much for personally responding to my questions. Your products make the other machines on the market seem like toys."

- David Spellman

"WOW! I'd like to thank you for the quick shipping of this item! Everything about this unit says 'Quality'. I received it at 12:30 pm EST today. I've just finished the meditation session.....very relaxing! I'm sure this is just the start of the benefits I'll derive from the DAVID. I think everyone should own one of these units for there own personal well being. Once again....thanx so much!"

- Phil McConkey

"I called yesterday a.m. to get some information on DAVID, and later my companion, Gerry Barbiero, called you back to place an order. I just wanted to say thank you for your great service! Well, FedEx rolled up in front of my door this morning at 11:30 a.m.! Thank you again for your great service and extremely quick service."

- Lyne Ladouceur

"Please forward to Dave my thanks to him for the opportunity to enjoy such delightful conversation. This is precisely the kind of public approach so consistent with your company's attitude on the matter of quality. I frankly enjoy promoting what you do and also what you make. I hope this consistency just never changes. And I can't wait to strap on my goggles again, it is always a pleasure to do it. And it is also a pleasure to know I can depend on the device to continue to do what it is designed to do for a long time. My continued thanks."

- John Tarbutton

"The people who have helped me on the phone have been very helpful - I'm glad I didn't have to wait or leave a message!"

- Gale Ferris

"I've used a lot of light and sound machines, but this is light years ahead of all of them."

- James Rabey, Advanced Mind Development

"I have been using the Oasis for less than a week and I feel the benefits already. Well done - great piece of equipment."

- Vincent McGinty

"I first discovered light and sound through personal research and came across a binaural beat program brainwave generator. Well, I wanted to have the convenience of using light and sound at anytime, so I purchased a Photosonix Muse with red and green LEDs. I used this for a few months and then had no interest really at all, until I came across the DAVID. I knew of the DAVID some months after buying the Photosonix but wasn't really aware of how much punch this baby had. After using the DAVID for some time, I then went back to my Photosonix but for some reason I couldn't use it any more, it was literally biologically making me feel frustrated. I had also noticed, after having some talks with Mind Alive CEO, Dave Siever, that when my eyes were closed I could actually see the spot of light stimulus jump around and this would definitely have an effect on brainwave entrainment. I have also had my friends use both machines and everyone thinks that the DAVID rocks. Dave Siever was on the telephone a long time with me and he did not rush me off in any way, answered all my questions, and I found him to be a man who had great interest in this field. I love the DAVID machine and have tried it mixed with music, sometimes even with no sound or straight sound and it always has a great effect. If you meditate you will definitely know that sooner or later the visual cortex produces fantastic visuals, and the DAVID definitely does this."

- Ken Carr

"I have a DAVID with Tru-Vu Omniscreen glasses. I love the eyeset because they don't leave an after image the way that other light and sound machines do. I know because I also own a Nova Pro 100 and a MasterMind light and sound machine. I also love the fact that the Omniscreen glasses come with colored light filers so you can use them for color therapy. With glasses from the other companies if you want to use them for color therapy, you have to purchase a new pair of glasses for each color you want to use. My DAVID unit seems to be quicker at inducing relaxation, lucid dreaming and sleep. I love my DAVID and I love my Omniscreen glasses."

- Tracy McLain

"I just wanted to let you know that I read your book "The Rediscovery of Audio-Visual Entrainment Technology" and I think this is one awesome book for anyone serious about light and sound machines! The book is clearly written and well laid out; it’s the first book I've come across that concisely lays out photic stimulation techniques step by step. It opened my eyes at little wider on this whole subject. Thanks!"

- John Leger

"My husband and I are enjoying the DAVID and the OASIS. In pursuing my doctoral level psychology degree, I have done extensive research in the are of psychoneuroimmunology, stress and psychobiology, hypnosis, metaphor therapy, solution-focused therapy and other traditional therapeutic methods. This technology seemed to compliment my interests in stress reduction and performance enhancement. I am sure my patients will enjoy your technology as much as my husband and I are enjoying it. My husband is studying Arabic. Since he started using the DAVID, he has raised his grade level. I, on the other hand, use the OASIS when I am reading and writing. It seems that my concentration has improved thus my thoughts and, subsequently, my papers are clearer. I would like to personally thank you for your dedication and support. I find that the DAVID and OASIS are not only beneficial for your mind but they are easy and fun to use too! There are so many programs to try and you can even create your own. Dave’s technology is a great investment his technology is worth every penny."

- Kathy S. Howley

"I want to thank you for your voice mail message to me a week or so back, in response to a question on my warranty form for the DAVID. Your personal involvement in the day-to-day operations of your business inspires confidence in the continuing quality of your products. Thus far I am impressed with the precision of the DAVID as an instrument, and the degree of control that it gives me. I am still in the process of exploring the degree of influence it can have on the mind-states that I am striving for to maximize my capacities for restfulness and alertness. As a long-time faculty member at UMass Boston, I work with many students who also would love to improve their focus, attention, and also restfulness. I will not hesitate to recommend your products once I have reached a point of greater confidence in the benefits that they offer."

- Don Kalick

"I cannot thank you enough for your thoughtful generosity in upgrading my system...I have grown passionate about L/S due to its overwhelming impact on my life (and lives of others) but thought I could only dream of expanding my system due to my current finances (or lack of). You have most certainly earned my eternal loyalty and gratitude. I cannot imagine a better company to promote. My interest in neurotechnology has expanded considerably over the last few years. My greatest passion lies in the combination of different technologies with nutrient therapies for a potent, synergizing and lasting effect. I am hoping to expand into EEG Biofeedback with this and, in finishing my college degree, intend to innovate a unique marriage of these modalities into a less "compartmentalized" approach to treatments and peak performance enhancement. I believe the future of this to be tremendously powerful and expanding of both fields. (It's a vision I hold, nonetheless) I expect and hope we continue to share a warm and mutually rewarding future, Dave. You manufacture and engineer a singularly unique product destined to be a major part of the 'wave' of the future. I could only be proud to be a part of it. P.S. Please thank your staff for me!!"

- Nora Gedgaudas

"I could write a book about the good stuff! The lights are great and the quality and finish is superb. Lets get into sound, the sound of the pulsed tone is...the sound is the BEST I've ever heard, and it's not only the way it sounds, but also the tone itself is very, very good, the best I've heard. The DAVID headphones are so good I only use them and none else, I use them also to listen to music, etc. I have thrown the others out, the DAVID ones are great, no, the GREATEST! Also I want to give an A+ for that the pulse rate can go as low as 0.5 Hz, this is very beneficial to me, for regeneration of tissue, among other things. The size of the unit is great, very handy, it's the smallest unit I have seen that is so powerful, that is."

- James Gordon

"I received my DAVID and Oasis unit and have used them regularly since their arrival. I can't explain how much I have already benefited from the use of these two devices in just this short amount of time. Although I am unemployed and have had to delve into my savings to pay for the two machines, it has been well worth the price. Thanks again for the wonderful product and the great service I received from your company."

- Gene Jackson

"The DAVID did an excellent job of helping me relax." - R. Chuickshank "I have had a lot of good times with my DAVID. I feel that I learned to relax very deeply with it from the first time I use it and I have always kept that feeling of relaxation with me. I think it made a big difference for me and has added a great deal to why I feel so healthy today, five years later. If you feel proud of your work, well, you deserve it." - Scott Miners, Issaquah, Washington, USA "My experience with the DAVID so far is tremendous. This device has the potential to have a profound effect on my person." - Edmond Abbott, Todmorden, England "Thank you for the extremely fast and friendly service in the repair of the keypad on my DAVID. I would be so very happy if all my business partners were like you." - Darryl Christianson "I received Dave's book yesterday and am already engrossed in it. My congratulations to him for his vision and wisdom." - Jocelyn Corville, Madison, Wisconsin, USA "Thank you big time. I am hooked. Dave Siever is an awesome man and this company is super awesome." - Priscilla Hall, North Attleboro, Massachusetts, USA "Amazed by the fast service! I have tried the device before ordering and it is very relaxing. I didn't need so much sleep to get the rest that I need to function,. I went from 10 hours a day to 8 hours a day sleep time with the DAVID." - Suzanne Marcotte, Montreal, Quebec, Canada "This is an amazing product. It is the first time in five years that I have been able to have deep restorative sleep. Thank you." - Diane Nimmer, Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA "We both enjoy this and use it daily. I have finally found something to help me be still and relax." - Nancy and Bruce Thomson, Edina, Minnesota, USA "Great service and delivery time. Very thorough guide and a manual that is easy to understand and use." - Brian Farr, Ph.D. "I am thrilled to finally have this amazing device. I have waited over ten years to purchase one. It's everything I expected and more. Thank you." - Hubert Helton

- More Testimonials From Happy Customers


"Many thanks for providing this course, it is by far the best I have seen. I was enrolling in a face-to-face course in London, but yours is much better."

- Chris

"I thoroughly enjoyed the "Stimulation Technologies Course" offered through Saybrook University. I found it very informative. Dr. Kerson and Mr. Siever provided timely feedback and guidance that really personalized the course for me. Their in-depth expertise in the field is impressive. I highly recommend the course, which can be found on the Mind Alive website under Training. Mr. Siever went "over and above the call of duty" in responding to my many questions, including where I could find additional research; in-depth information on approaches/protocols; and guidance regarding where and how neurofeedback fits into the bigger neurostimulation picture. Dave's willingness to share his expertise seems to know no bounds, and his indicated willingness to be available anytime is much appreciated. His help has already been invaluable in my work with adolescents here at Future Future Builders School."

- Patrick Young, M.Ed., M.S., LCPC, CADC Director and Clinical Mental Health Counselor Future Builders School

"What a great class! It was fun and jam packed with practical information that I was able to start using right away--both personally and professionally. The power point presentations were well organized and up-to-date. The reading materials nicely supplemented the lectures. The questionnaires at the end of the units were a great way to make sure I really understood the concepts. It also provided a great way to get feedback from Dave and Cynthia. They were both very responsive to questions about the materials and about applications of the learning."

- Student

"I found this module really fascinating and it held my interest, even though physiology is not my strong point! AVE is amazing!"

- Student


"I am a very pleased new user of a DAVID Delight Pro. I've used AVE and sound based technology for 30+ years - I used Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync cassettes back in the '70s. Your technology is the best I've ever used. Whether I'm using it to relax, meditate, or to energize; relieve a headache or inspire creativity; the DAVID Delight Pro does the job easily and seamlessly. Now it's become a bit of a fight to use the machine. Between my daughter using it to ease her periods and my 82-year-old dad using it to lessen his pain from back strain, this instrument is a popular item around our house!"

- Mark B.

"I love this product (DAVID ALERT). I am so happy to have found this but very sad that it took me 71 years to find it. I tell you that I can't be happier. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

- A.S.

"I’ve always been a go, go, go kind of guy. I am a typical Type-A personality, and pretty 'wound up' most of the time. I’ve had stomach problems for a number of years, and then I started having a real big problem with heartburn. I was starting to have the kind of heartburn that was stubborn and wouldn’t go away all that easily. It was so bad one day that after 2 hours of suffering I finally went to the emergency room. The doctors there put me through all kinds of tests, etc. and could not find anything wrong. They sent me home with the usual shoulder shrugs and some sort of 'cocktail' of antacids. My family suggested using a DAVID to help me. I am very skeptical of this kind of stuff. I’m almost 75 years old so I’ve seen a lot of gimmicks and slick sales campaigns that promise the world and deliver nothing (or close to it). So, let’s just say I had my doubts that this machine was going to help me. I ran my first session and had instant relief from my pain. I have had absolutely no stomach pains since that first session. It was just like a miracle, really. I use my DAVID at least two times a day, morning and night, and sometimes I can squeeze in an afternoon session too. I am a firm believer now, and have since suggested it to many of my family members and they have had amazing results for themselves as well. I am so thankful for my DAVID, and I never go anywhere without it."

- Dave Thornton

"My husband, Bob, aged 72, has been experiencing mild cognitive impairment for a few years now but we let it slide until this year as we live in Bali and only return to the States to do our annual exhibition of our jewelry and sculpture. But this year we could no longer avoid dealing with the problem. We were blessed by being directed to several professionals who have each contributed to his improvement. He has been using the DAVID since early March about five times or more a week. He is also taking Aricept (started taking this about three weeks after starting the DAVID) and exercising his grey matter by learning the language here. I can't say which piece of this puzzle has helped more but I felt from the start that the DAVID made a big difference. His mood and attitude changed almost immediately. It seemed he asked the same questions less often than before. Bob became brighter and more with it and when he didn't use it I could see his short term memory was worse. And he really has taken to it. He initiates using it so I know he sees a difference too. Thanks for making such a wonderful machine."

- Susan Tereba

"The self-confidence I felt after using the DAVID device was remarkable. Before the Mind Alive senior's study that I participated in,* I suffered a fear of falling for the past few years and my fears fed my depression. All of this was because of two painful outdoor falls in the past. After the falls I hardly went anywhere. If if wasn't for my friends that live next door I would not have managed to walk to the grocery store, which is only across the street. I felt bad bothering people to help me to the store - just to pick up a dozen eggs and cream. After a few days of using the DAVID device, I felt more confident and my mind seemed clearer. I think this was the combination I needed to feel like "my old self" again. I was always independent and I dearly wanted that back. Now I go to the store by myself and purchase my own groceries twice a week. Thank you, Mind Alive, for the strength you have given to this old lady." *Ms. Mansfield was an AVE Intervention Depression Participant in a senior citizen's study at Mind Alive Inc. She used the DAVID for four weeks before departing on a trip to Arizona."

- Mrs. Ella Mansfield



"AVE Cured my clinical insomnia pretty much overnight! From 1½ hours of on/off sleep per night (due to chronic pain) to 8-9 hours per night, from the first night I used my DAVID AVE device to get my sleep started as well as re-started on occasion. The deep delta frequency sleep sessions were giving me amazing and very deep mainly dream-less and restorative sleep! The regular use of both daily alpha, Dreamy theta meditation and occasionally Beta (for focus) sessions, plus great Delta sleep sessions at night, over a few weeks... Really diffused my relationship with the pain! This eventually helped me quit pain meds. It also helped me out of a deep depression which I had suffered from for over 2 years at the time. In my experience this technology is a life changer and getting the use of one would be a no-brainer (pardon the pun) for anyone that tried even a 15 minute Quick Alpha session. 🍀"

- Martin Flink

"I have been using my David Delight Pro consistently for a couple of months. For YEARS I have had difficulty sleeping. I had nightmares from someone breaking into my home. I had not slept through the night in several years. Even after I moved from the city to Alaska, I still had difficulty sleeping. Even when I was completely safe, I still had difficulty sleeping. My angel of a therapist suggested the David Delight Pro. Best money I have ever spent. What a delight! Now all I need to do is use a session before I sleep. I usually run a Feeling Better for anxiety session. I fall asleep and wake up refreshed for the first time in more than a decade. Also, my anxiety is greatly diminished and I feel much more relaxed. Now that I can sleep through the night, my mood has improved and I feel so much better. I am happier and more pleasant to be around. Thank you, David! (David Siever and David Delight Pro)."

- Leona Long

"Last night I slept straight through for 8 hours without any medication or supplements, whereas last week I was only able to get 1 to 5 hours a night with access to every medication and supplement known to man! So, I can’t wait to tell my family, friends, x-patients and the world about this incredible find."

- John Kelly

"As a sufferer of Progressive MS and Crohns disease, I’ve been left with little option but to use medications, but being on so many I thought I would like to try something non-drug related. One of my many symptoms is sleeping disorder. On a particular morning I woke up from one of those awful sleep-deprived nights with severe head pain and pressure, and of course, fatigue. I could hardly move. My friend suggested that I try her DAVID Delight Pro; I was very skeptical. Over the years I had spent quite a bit of money on various self-help healing gadgets which claimed relief, only to be left disappointed. I was in a terrible way that morning, and out of desperation, I decided to try the DAVID Delight Pro. I used one of the ‘Energize’ sessions and before the time was up I felt 80 percent better and 100 percent energized, clear minded and happy when the session was completed! Wow! I would not have believed it if I had not tried it myself!"

- Ms. Terry Tremblay

"I have been using the Mind Alive Oasis Pro for the past few months and found the device to be very helpful with my anxiety and sleep problems. I felt the calming effects almost immediately and was able to reduce my medications within a couple of weeks, I have recommended it to friends and family."

- Kevin P.

"5.0 out of 5 stars. A well built quality machine. The DAVID Delight Plus came well packed and undamaged. Each piece was wrapped nicely-professionally done. Upon reading the manual, I found the instructions were done in a orderly fashion-no jumping around. Also, many parts of the manuals instructions were nicely highlighted in soft colors. The colors do hold interest when reading, sort of soft on the eyes. I give the manual a five star by itself. Very nice looking machine. I'm very pleased with the quality of the unit. The glasses are super great and have a nice soft color on them, the headphones are of very nice quality, very good sounds coming from them. The Delight Plus is worth the price and wait. The machine itself is well designed. I fine the heartbeat to be useful to help pace my breathing until I master it. So, it does come in useful. I have a very active mind, always thinking, so I find it hard to sleep many nights in a row. I didn't sleep at all last night, so I gave the Delight Plus a quick test drive. I laid on the bed, slipped on the glasses, headphones, and switched on the machine, setting it to meditation. After a few minutes or so, I was slipping off into oblivion, but just before I went out, I shut the machine off and got off the bed. That's the fastest I was ever being put to sleep-just beautiful. The Delight Plus has a soft on and soft off mechanism built into it. It softly but steadily raises the sounds when starting, it lower the sounds to off when nearing the end of the session. It doesn't start loud abruptly, or shut off abruptly. Well thought of. Also, the machine itself, fits in an average size mans hand, probably will fit into most shirt pockets. I bought this machine to help tuck my eyeballs in at night for a sound sleep-it looks like it's the machine that's going to do it. I'm very well pleased with the purchase experience. Thanks for your time, my friends. =============================== A little update is in order after first night of use: At around 11:15pm I jumped into bed and buckled up with the Delight Plus: putting on the headphones, lighted glasses, with the machine near-by. I set the session on the third session on the icon moonlight, this is the sleep sessions. There are five sessions in all under each icon except the plus (+) icon, which is there for you to add five of your own. I could remember barely waking up and removing the headphones and glasses, then falling back to sleep. I woke this morning around 8:25am, feeling entirely rested. I didn't have that brain dead feeling like I usually have when not having any sleep, or partial sleep. I climbed out of bed to go and have a look in the mirror to see the visual effects-no drooping face, no tired looking eyes, no slight bags under the eyes: which all indicates that what I was feeling in my head-rested-was accurate. But, I wasn't done just yet. I decided to go back and lay down and dawn on the Delight Plus, and go for the Mood sessions, which I did, set at the third session. After going through the Mood session, I put everything away, started straightening everything up in the room. I noticed after maybe several minutes, I was wearing a smile? It could have only been from the Delight Plus. Apparently, the Mood session was just enough to change the mild depression into a borderline happy."


"I have, as long as I can remember, been struggling with falling asleep. After purchasing an Oasis Pro and using it for a couple of months, I will definitely say that the time it takes to fall asleep has decreased significantly. I was very skeptical at the outset when first hearing about CES, but then I tried to go through the current scientific literature and found it promising (despite not being too many controlled studies published). After reviewing the literature and using the device myself, I have to conclude that CES should be more well known, and more and larger studies should be funded so that it will get more attention. I have noticed no side effects apart from some earlobe irritations (which was, strictly speaking, my own fault setting the intensity too high). I compared a number of CES devices before I purchased any, and the reason I chose the Oasis Pro was that it had both the sub-delta setting and 100hz setting which are the two frequencies that have been supported by scientific evidence to work in terms of insomnia (and a number of other issues). Also, the people at Mind Alive are quite a nice bunch."

- Oysten Notvedt

"I purchased the Oasis Pro and it appears to me that David Siever has built a better mouse trap. Using the 100 Hz. setting restored my sleep, after the first use. I've tried 100 Hz. units before, but this one is just different... it works! Thanks again for your assistance and thank David for his genius experimentation in the field of CES."

- Alan Mauro

"A little over a year ago, I could not sleep to save my life. I used to wake up several times every night. When I was able to "sleep" without waking up during the evening, I would wake up exhausted, as if I had been run over by a train. Therefore, the next day, I would feel tired and became very irritable. A colleague of mine recommended that I contact Dave as I was interested in using the gear for work with addictions. I decided to purchase a DAVID for myself. The first night I used it, I remember thinking, "There is no way I am going to sleep with these lights being so bright and these tones." After that, the next thing I remember was waking up refreshed and energized; it had been months since I was able to actually sleep! Now I have been using my DAVID for over a year and I cannot remember when the last time I could not sleep was. I also use it in the morning before going to work to get more energized, while I take my nap after lunch for relaxation and while I read and study to be more relaxed and focused. This device has changed my life! Now, I strongly recommend my clients that they get one; many of them have and are happy they did. Thank you for creating such a wonderful product!"

- Santiago Brand, Neurotherapist

"I have been using my DAVID for taking naps in the afternoon. It works AWESOME!! Before, my mind would be racing and I could not get any sleep, even though I was exhausted. I call this my 'power nap'. It really is awesome!"

- Dale C.

"Thank you for your prompt reply and excellent customer service. As a point of interest, I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. After waiting almost one year to be tested, I discovered that my sleep cycle was being interrupted about 140 times an hour. I believe that over the past couple of years it was thanks to my DAVID PAL that I was able to get any sleep at all - or be able to use the "Brain Brightener" session in the day and thus be able to do tasks like driving long distances without falling asleep and hurting either myself or my family. Thanks to the combination of the CPAP unit I was prescribed by my doctor to alleviate my sleep apnea, and my PAL unit, I am now enjoying 6 to 8 hours of deep, complete and restful sleep every night! My energy level is up, my mental acuity is better and my emotional state is much more positive. Whenever anyone tells me about problems they have with sleep, mental focus and/or emotional struggles associated with these issues, I tell them about your products and my experience with them. Your product works for me and my life is better for it."

- Brian J. Munro

"I have been using the DAVID for nine days, and it has already begun helping me re-pattern my sleep and dissipate anxiety. Thank you for making such a wonderful product. I believe my DAVID will be a key factor in my return to health."

- Florence Nye-Clement

"After my heart attack and double by-pass surgery, I developed serious sleep problems. I could not sleep more than two hours before awakening, unable to return to sleep. I tried many sleep remedies including getting more exercise (going to physical therapy regularly) to make me physically tired. Upon awakening at night, I would read (sometimes for an hour or more) to make myself sleepy and still could not return to sleep. Tossing and turning for hours each night and being irritable during the day time was not pleasant for me or for my family. My daughter, Andrea Sime, suggested that I try using the DAVID light and sound unit. Almost immediately I began sleeping better. I use it once or twice during the day time, and then again before I go to bed at night which allows me to get eight to nine hours of sleep per night. Since I celebrated my 83rd birthday recently, I usually have to get up three to four times a night to go to the bathroom, but I am now able to get back to sleep almost instantly. If I do have some wakefulness, I simply use one of the 20 minute DAVID programs and can get back to sleep and wake up feeling rested. I am so delighted to be able to get a full nights sleep once again, the I would not part with my DAVID for any amount of money. A few weeks ago, the wire connection to one side of the earphones developed a short. They wanted me to send the unit back for repair. I insisted on getting the replacement unit first, because I do not want to be without this unit ever again. I highly recommend it to anyone with a sleeping problem."

- Wayne Sime

"Thank you for the opportunity of participating in your research project testing the therapeutic effectiveness of DAVID as a treatment for Fibromyalgia. I found my sessions with DAVID to be very beneficial, particularly in preparing me for sleep. DAVID helped me in calming, relaxing, and centering myself, so that I was more ready to sleep. The variety of flashing light combinations and pulsing tones provided an opportunity to select the program that suited my mood and need at a particular time. Thank you again for the opportunity to experience such an interesting digital audio-visual integration device and contributing to the study."

- Gina Varty

"I'd had problems with sleep since I was about four years old. It would take me, on average, over an hour a night to fall asleep. As soon as I would lie in bed for over two hours, tossing and turning. I had tried different medications to help me sleep, but I always would wake up with a ‘hangover' effect - I would be more tired than if I had just tried to fall asleep on my own. I am a Registered Nurse, so others depend on me for their safety and well-being. I couldn't afford to be sleepy while I was working. I was skeptical of the study at first, but the need for sleep was stronger than my skepticism. I was attracted by the fact that no medications were involved. As I had said before, medication did help me sleep, but I was so drowsy the next morning I was almost better off tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep. As part of the study, prior to using the DAVID, I had to keep track of my ‘normal' sleep habits for two weeks. The results were typical-on average, it would take me an hour or more each night to fall asleep. The day I took the DAVID home, I tried it on different programs prior to bedtime to acquaint myself with the sensation of the lights and noises. When I used the machine the first night, I fell asleep in 40 minutes! For me, that was nearly a record. I had programmed the machine for a 20 minute program, and was still awake after the program stopped, but when I took the headphones and glasses off and just rested, my mind didn't start racing! I just rested quietly, and fell asleep on my own 20 minutes later. After that first night, I began falling asleep even more quickly. I was regularly falling asleep in 20 minutes or less. I would program the machine for a 30 minute program, but I would rarely be awake when the program ended. I would just wake up in the middle of the night, take off the glasses and headphones, and go back to sleep. Even if I woke up in the middle of the night to answer the phone or to use the washroom, I would fall right back to sleep again. I noticed my moods improving-I have had trouble with clinical depression for about five years, and my concentration was enhanced. For the first time that I could remember, I would wake up in the morning and feel rested. As part of my work, I can be out of town for three or four days a week, and stay overnight in hotel rooms. Normally, I would need at least two hours to fall asleep in a strange bed. With the DAVID, I would still fall asleep in an average of 20-30 minutes. The DAVID traveled with me throughout the province and to British Columbia while I was on the study. Only once, in all the nights I spent in strange beds (approximately 15-20 nights during the study), did I have trouble falling asleep. When I stopped using the DAVID and had to go back to sleeping ‘on my own' to complete the study, I was hopeful that my brain had been ‘programmed' to just fall asleep, without any of the problems I had before. Unfortunately, that was not the case. My old sleep patterns returned, and my mind was racing again. The only way to avoid having trouble falling asleep was to stay up until late at night, and wear myself out. Then, I could fall asleep in under an hour. I started having concentration problems again, and my mood became more depressed and irritable. By the time the end of the study had come, I was feeling desperate. I needed my sleep. The only option I felt I had was to buy a machine for my own use. So, as soon as I had completed the study, I purchased my own DAVID machine to use at home. Every night since I purchased the machine, I have fallen asleep in under half an hour. To me, it is nothing short of a miracle. I don't just use the DAVID for sleep. I have also found various programs helpful for relaxation, or to help me focus on a busy day. Once, when I was traveling with my work, another staff member developed a migraine headache. Normally, she suffers with these headaches for days at a time. I let her try the DAVID while she rested, and when the program was finished, her headache had substantially decreased in magnitude. She no longer felt nauseous, and was able to work that afternoon. The next day, the headache was gone. I'm glad I overcame my skepticism and tried the DAVID study. I no longer dread the end of the day and the prospect of having to try to fall asleep. I just get into bed, turn on the DAVID and get comfortable. Sleep comes on it's own."

- Collette Smith

"I originally bought the DAVID for accelerated learning...but soon realized its usefulness in other areas. I have had a sleep disorder all of my life, I used the Hemistep/Delta session, and it took me into a peaceful, relaxed state. I'd just drop off even before the session was over."

- Art Meizner

"I want to thank you for producing such a wonderful machine, I not only sleep better, but I do everything better, I’m HOOKED."

- Jorge Suarez

"I will start by saying that when I would go to bed normally this is when my wheels started to spin and sleep was a hard thing to do for me. When I did eventually fall asleep it was never a restful sleep. Using the DAVID device really helped me relax at night or through the day when I used it. This allowed to fall asleep much easier and also had a much deeper state of relaxation. This I believe was the key for my better quality of life, because this allowed me more energy through the day. I normally have a very short temper. The better rest pattern I experienced let me deal with situations in a more positive manner. My social life, focus and attention, alertness, pain - was a bit better (it did relax whiplash at times), mood - all the above had some improvement using this device. It only makes sense we tend to be a very stressed society most of the time people don't even realize how tense they are. This machine gets you to relax."

- Ben Swanson


"We only started using the David Delight for the last few weeks. I noticed that my daughter's sound/music sensory issue has come down drastically. She used to scream/cry if she was exposed to any radio music or pop song just a few weeks ago. We couldn't go to any shops for that reason. However over the last few days we are going to every shop and she isn’t even bothered with any music or sound. Quiet like any other child. Even at home she is not bothered by most of music/tunes. This has given us a huge relief. Thank you."

- Mahabaleshwara Hegde

"I wasn’t sure this device was going to have any effect. I mean really, flashing lights and beeps were going to effect the brain waves of an uncooperative child too young to practice conscious relaxation techniques! Not my first bet. I’m a scientist and skeptic. We have had a DAVID unit for about 2.5 weeks. Our daughter came home with severe sleep issues at 11.5 months old. For 5.5 years she has co-slept with me or me and my newlywed husband. It took 4 to 1.5 hours for her to fall asleep every night with one of us in the room (even on the honeymoon) and she woke up if we got up after she fell asleep. We have done therapy, Neuro Reorganization, Rhythmic Movement Therapy, Gluten/Casein Free diet, Nutritional Supplements, DAN! Testing, BIT/Crossinology and probably some stuff I’m forgetting. She also gets triggered into violent destructive rages when she becomes overwhelmed emotionally. Some of these helped, some didn’t, some we are not sure, but did no harm. I have sometimes worried about whether she would ever gain control of her emotional regulation and I know it is still not a done deal. I had heard about AVE, but was reluctant to spend $350 on something I wasn’t sure she would even leave on her head. I was busy paying for other therapies! We decided we were willing to risk $50 in rental fees to see if this would help. She wasn’t thrilled the first two nights. After that she started to fall asleep during the 40 minute program. Less than three weeks later, she falls asleep within 20 minutes. That is a lot shorter than 1.5 hours (not that I’m counting). We do a series of relaxation exercise with her before bed. If she falls asleep during these, she now rouses enough to remind us that she still needs to do her 'lights.' We let the program finish even if she falls asleep during it since the audio and visual pathways remain open even during sleep. We even put the unit on if she falls asleep without it since we feel she goes into a deeper, more relaxed state of sleep. Wow! We were thrilled to not be lying in the dark for 1.5 hours waiting for a thrashing, whining child to fall asleep. (Who could blame her? Could you handle it taking that long to fall asleep for YEARS?) I would never have believed we would get these kinds of results in this little time and with this little opposition. Did I say WOW? WOW!!!! This morning I caught her as she started to trigger into an emotionally dysregulated rage, I told her that the lights would help calm her down. Within 5 minutes, her breathing was calm and she was completely cooperative and non-oppositional when the program ended. She had fallen asleep. So, I know I am beginning to sound like an infomercial and I know from experience that none of these solutions are a one-size-solves-all, but $350 is a REALLY small price to pay for a chance to address some pretty intractable issues. I am only sorry I put it off as long as I did. And no, I don’t get a cut on anybody I convince. :)"

- Linda B.

"I was so impressed with how much the DAVID machine helped my son, Jonathan, with his autism, that I founded my own wellness center to help others. At the age of three, we used this therapy on him, which utilizes flashing lights and pulsing tones, over a six-week period. During and after this time, his negative behaviours diminished, his ability to engage socially along with eye contact increased, he became more articulate and better able to engage others in communication. I truly believe the DAVID made all the difference in the world in who he is today and recommend it fully for others with autism as well as everyone else. Now that more substantial research has been completed, I hope more people will try this new approach rather than drug-related alternatives."

- Karen Simmons Exceptional Resources - www.exceptionalresources.com

"I just thought I'd let you know that Nathan is doing great with the DAVID...his field is expanding...calmer...climbing trees for the first time...less anxious and fearful getting on the school bus...even sat in church on Good Friday for TWO HOURS without squealing...amazing...and after only 9 days. I love it! Thanks again."

- Alice Nixon

"We still use the DAVID with Michael (and ourselves) every night. Keeps us sane. I've recommended the DAVID to many over the years. Absolutely essential to have with an autistic child." "The DAVID machine has done wonders for Michael, as it is the only way he can relax and get grounded. We did have a tough time at first. All of the other children and myself were using it for a month and seeing real benefits, such as increased concentration, relaxation, and no more sleeping problems. Michael, who is severely autistic, does not like any thing unfamiliar, so we had to restrain him gently in order for him to wear the headphones, and he fought steadily for three weeks, until the 21st day when something happened and he relaxed. It was a dramatic change, he started listening and giggling and didn't want to take it off. At this time, we didn't even attempt to use the eyeset. That next day, I received a note from his teacher asking "What has happened?" Mike is calmer and we are seeing eye contact, which was non-existent prior to this. I didn't tell them until a month later, that I was using the DAVID on him. His behavior improved and he was much less resistant to change, especially with "transition time", which was a night-mare to deal with. The eye contact Michael continued to show improvement steadily, he was finally "with us", and with autism that was the bridge we needed so desperately. Before this, Mike was unreachable. So unreachable it truly seemed hopeless, not only to me, but also to his teachers. Since that major breakthrough we have made slow, but steady progress. Had this not been achieved, I shudder at the thought of what might have been. The eye contact was a direct result of using the DAVID with Mike. The other major benefits has been a reduction in hyperactivity and a decrease in sleep resistance. So we're all able to keep a little sanity around here. The doctors have given Mike trazadone, ambiem, valium, and none of it worked as it would not affect the area of the brain with him it needed to. Having a child who will not sleep for three days is exhausting, and now, on setting 22, sends him to sleep safely. This week has been great! He loves the lamp, and it doubles the effect. He is sound asleep before the session is done. Mike's favorite settings are 16, 22 with 31 being the one that gives him the most delight. On a hard night, I'll do 31 then 22. Works like a charm! He has been resistant to other settings, but we are experimenting. He enjoys the binaural beat setting best. But those three settings are his favorites. I have much more work to do with him. It did take three weeks of holding and screaming to get him to use the DAVID at first, now he asks for it at night if I'm behind in my schedule. And he loves it. Now we are hearing some speech. This last month Mike (previously non-verbal) has said 'Up, go, down, ready-set-go'. He makes those sounds consistently and appropriately. A major break-through! He is signing for 'all done' and 'candy'. I am so delighted! After being told for years put him in an institution because of the behavior problems, and how they would get worse, not better. I can finally tell those people they were wrong, and much more progress can be expected, the Paradise has opened some doors for Michael that otherwise may have remained closed. I just wanted to thank you, and let you know of our experience. I never mentioned to anyone we were using the DAVID initially and his pre-school wrote in his notebook 'Big Change, what happened? Great eye contact and much more co-operation!' This was one month after using the DAVID. The effect was quick. Still have to use it every day to relax Michael. He asks for it by gesturing."

- Susan Klingenberg



"I started using DAVID Delight during the 2015/2016 fencing season after a recommendation from my sports psychologist. I primarily use the Brain Booster sessions. When needed, I will sometimes use the Sleep sessions or the Meditate sessions. The night before a major competition, I will usually use the Brain Booster function and I notice that I am definitely more focused and it is easier for me to get “in the zone” when I am competing. The system is compact and very easy to travel with. In the last year, I upgraded to the DAVID Delight Pro device and it's one of the items I bring with me when I travel for competitions. AVE has helped me both in my everyday life and as a high performance fencing athlete. It has helped with focus (improved mental clarity and focus), calming nerves (especially before competitions when I might be nervous), positive mindset, jet lag (competitions are frequently overseas and I have a short period of time to overcome jet lag and perform), and getting a restful pre-competition sleep. The MET on this device has also helped me to heal an ankle sprain. Since starting AVE, I've achieved the following results: -Team bronze at the 2019 Pan American Games -Team silver at the 2019 Pan American Championships -26th place (out of 155 fencers) at the 2019 Grand Prix in Seoul, South Korea -Gold Medal at the 2018 National Championships -Bronze Medal at the 2018 Reykjavik Satellite Tournament -Individual Bronze Medal at the 2017 Pan American Championships -Bronze Medal at the 2017 Cancun Satellite Tournament -Team Bronze Medal at the 2016 Pan American Championships -Numerous National Level medals"

- Canadian Women's Sabre Fencer

"My name is Shayne Hale. I am a former University of Pittsburgh football player, and I just returned home from treatment at Pure Sports Recovery. While at Pitt, I played Defensive End. I worked very closely with Rebecca Bassham while at Pure, and she used the DAVID Delight Plus and glasses as part of my treatment. I was very impressed with how the Delight Plus and glasses were able to help me both throughout the week in the evenings and over the weekend when I was not in the office with Rebecca. Before using the device and glasses I had a difficult time sleeping, focusing, and I struggled with headaches on a daily basis. Now after treatment and use of the device and glasses, I am able to sleep soundly, focus on my work, and I have minimal to no headaches. I believe the Delight Plus has contributed to this great improvement.”

- Shayne Hale, football

"The MET kit that goes with the DAVID Delight Pro is very helpful to me as an athlete. At the Pan American Championships last year, I injured my ankle (between a second to third degree sprain on both sides of the ankle). It appeared as though the ankle swelling was not going down even a couple months later. I started using the MET kit and noticed a huge difference. It helped bring the swelling down in my ankle and relieved some nagging pain with the injury. I strongly recommend the DAVID Delight Pro kit both as a mental training tool and as a physical recovery tool for any athlete. It's very easy to use and extremely portable, so I'm able to bring it on my overseas trips when I'm competing."

- Marissa Ponich

"AVE has been a game changer for me. I like to start my mornings off with a meditation anyway, but there are days that I really struggle to get into it. I use AVE on these days now and it means I can stay on top of my headspace much easier and with much better consistency. I'll switch between the Alert and the Creative settings depending on what I have planned for my working day as a Personal Trainer. I've found it helps Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training too. Being on top of my game when training means a lot to me and using AVE just before my sessions really helps to get my head in the game. I've noticed a significant difference in my alertness and athleticism. It helps me to train harder, learn better and really get in the zone. Highly recommended product. I just wish I'd found it sooner."

- Monty Simmons

"I had seen the DAVID Delight Pro device and wanted one for several years to help with sleep issues, but simply could not justify the price…or so I thought. Also a concern was whether it actually worked, was it medically safe and was it simply a psychological “trick” or gimmick. On 6 October 2015, I sustained a fairly severe concussion and subsequent intense headaches, so intense I missed work for weeks and when I finally did return to work, could only stand to do so part-time for over a month. I had intense headaches, sleep loss, mood swings and memory loss. So though not specifically mentioned in many places for treatment of concussion issues, I decided between my meditation practice, my sleep issues, my aversion to chemicals and my desire to alleviate the pain at almost all costs, I invested the money in the device. While the device certainly has helped at all levels, specifically, in regards to the concussive symptoms, I found varying my focus on the “images” or patterns presented by the glasses, my symptoms of pain and nausea started to lessen and then disappear within only two uses of the device. Within 4-5 days I was going several hours without pain and could fall asleep within 20 minutes. I have now been using it for 7 months. My eye therapy (I had a vestibular alignment issue from the concussion) progressed much faster than my therapists had anticipated. It’s also important to note that I am a very physically active person with a very high pain tolerance. Over my lifetime, and mostly in my early to late teens, I have been in the ER more than 15 times for broken bones, burns, severe cuts and dislocations, mostly sports related. I also grew up on a farm and worked in construction most of my twenties and thirties. I say this only to give “credibility” to the fact that I am not one who succumbs to minor injury, annoyances or physical discomfort. The pain that this device alleviated for me would be classified as severe to debilitating for most people."

- Brent Hugo

"My name is Rick Cratty and I am 57 years old. I live in Northern California and for my fitness program; I swim on a regular basis in the local fitness center lap pool. Recently I competed in my first open water swim race….The Tiburon Mile. The race is from Angel Island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay back to the town of Tiburon. As this was my first open water race, I had a fair amount of trepidation. The SF Bay is subject to fairly intense currents and as one would expect, the water is very cold (I decided to swim the race without a wet-suit to heighten the challenge). There is also a bit of added anxiety due to sharks. In order to prepare myself mentally, I utilized my DAVID device for several weeks leading up to the event. I would typically engage a meditation program, and while relaxed, would envision a successful race, meaning I would be able to finish under my own power and not be rescued and fished out of the water! Using the DAVID AVE device allowed me to settle down and program my subconscious for a positive outcome. I was remarkably calm prior to the race but once I hit the 60 degree water, the adrenaline took over and for a bit, I was out of sync. That feeling passed and I believe the reason I was able to stay in the moment and not panic, was because of the deep programming I had experienced with my DAVID. The picture attached is of me post-race. It was taken by my awesome wife Jill. I was pleased with the outcome and my sense of accomplishment was immense. When I finally got home later that day, I again laid down in bed, strapped on my DAVID, and ran a program as I relived the entire event in order to anchor the thoughts and feelings deep into my subconscious….because my next open water swim race that I am preparing for will be the race from Alcatraz back to the San Francisco waterfront!"

- Rick Cratty

"Using the David Delight Pro was quite the unexpected calming and transformational experience for me. In my quest to heal from emotional eating and depression, I rarely found a modality that produced such obvious results, in so little time. Just 5 days of using the device on different settings ( calming at night and energizing and focusing in early day ), the positive difference I felt and acted upon was stunning! Over the years, I've addressed many of the interwoven physical, emotional, and spiritual causes for my disordered eating. Yet, still I continued to experience times where overeating and sadness emerged in ways I could not understand or come to peace with. The David Delight Pro way of balancing my mind, helped release this tension and create a foundation of ease from which to go about my day. In addition to watching my eating experience naturally normalize even more, I quickly felt more focused and organized, which definitely has increased my overall sense of ease and confidence. Having studied the body/mind connection to food, emotions, and life for many years, it's no surprise to me that a technology focused on balancing brain waves would have a tremendous impact on anyone using it in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle of eating well, exercising, and pursuing a life that inspires the soul. I am very excited to keep using the David Delight Pro -- as an easy to use tool to increase my brain's ability to shift through different brain wave states, deepen my meditation practice, gain stress reduction, increased resilience, and fuel my growing dynamic health. Thank you to Dave and the team at Mind Alive. I am excited to recommend the David Delight Pro to all women who like me, desire and deserve to be free from food compulsions and emotional eating. In hindsight of how I could have benefited during my athletic career, every serious athlete should use this technology. For all the mentions above and to increase visualization and precision in performance, quite a mental edge to add to any game! Wishing great health and well-being for all, Catherine"

- Catherine Garceau

“I have never experienced anything quite like the DAVID PAL36 with CES. After just one 20-minute session, I experienced extreme tranquility and learned what focus really meant. After my first use, I shot my lowest round ever and a course record of 66 at my home course."

- John Perna

“I believe completely in this technology and I think if anyone is interested in improving their performance, let alone their potential, then they would seriously consider using this technology and capitalizing on Dave's insight! I have found no other means that can directly affect an individual’s ability to control their emotional and physiological state as well as the DAVID Paradise can. The immediate physiological and psychological response is remarkable!"

- Tim Adams, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Oakland Raiders NFL Football Team

"As a professional strength and conditioning coach I am always looking for new methods of improving the performance of my athletes. I was recently introduced to the DAVID Paradise brain entrainment system by a colleague in the field and I was blown away! I have used this product for pre-competition neural stimulation and for relaxation between competitive bouts and the results have been impressive. I have even used this product myself to enhance my own sleep as our constant travels can disrupt the circadian rhythms of the body and interrupt regular sleep cycles. I think that "brain training" will be the next great frontier of performance enhancement in sports and I feel with the help of David Siever and the DAVID Paradise my athletes will be on the cutting edge. I would highly recommend this device to any athlete who is serious about maximizing the performance and recuperative ability."

- Matt Nichol Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Toronto Maple Leafs NHL Hockey Club

"I have been using the DAVID Paradise XL audio-visual entrainment (AVE) device over the past year, both as a coaching tool with other race car drivers, and on myself. My Paradise traveled all over North America and was subject to every kind of abuse that daily travel can dish out, and it never missed a beat. I would like to thank you for bringing such a high quality, reliable product to market, and for the generous amount of training and product support you continue to supply. Our primary use for the device is to augment recorded scripts designed to anchor desirable reflex responses during various on-track racing situations. While we didn’t collect any empirical data last year comparing driver performance before and after the entrainment program, I have no doubt that there was noticeable improvement. An interesting side benefit of training with the Paradise was that it made a lot of otherwise boring mental work more interesting. Even the most unmotivated driver on my roster spent a meaningful amount of time doing mental work that he normally would not do. I am going to continue developing our AVE training program next season, and will let you know of any interesting developments."

- Jay Poscente

"Just a short note to tell you how much I appreciated the opportunity to use the DAVID to prepare for the ‘96 Olympics this past year. The DAVID helped me to focus on a race plan and relax prior to competition. Before meeting with you and being introduced to your product, I found myself keyed up, tense and nervous prior to competition, especially major events such as the World Cup of Racewalk (1989, 1991, 1995), the Pan American Cup of Racewalk (1990, 1994), the Pan American Games (Argentina, 1995) and the Commonwealth Games (1994). Not only were these competitions very hard to focus through, but the trials for each event were really taking their toll on not only mental preparation but prep as well. Once I began using The DAVID, not only did the competitions become easier to focus on but my workouts in training also began to benefit. I recall one of my most interesting workouts as being a long training run where I used the DAVID. Thanks to your innovative and creative technologists who custom-made a set of glasses I could actually see through while training! My heart rate stayed down and my speed increased - proof that your system worked! Thanks again for your support and encouragement. You have a unique system which I hope my competition doesn't get their hands on!"

- Holly Gerke

"I am so glad to have received the DAVID Paradise Jr. as a gift from my Dad, just before participating in the ESPN Ultimate 9-Ball Challenge. I made it to the final 16 televised matches. I finished 5th out of 48 players. I have used brain entrainment devices in the past. During several months after my old one failed, I struggled with my game and my ranking slipped from 24th to 32nd. I am very excited now with the Paradise Jr. I really enjoy the custom programming for ‘In Psych For Sports' session. It made a difference. I am looking forward to many more successes in the future. Keep watching for me on ESPN."

- Sabrina Anderson Women's Professional Billiard Association Touring Pro

"Thank you for the use of the DAVID unit as I prepared for the Olympics. Many a night it helped me relax and stop my mind from racing before I competed. In general I feel more stable and relaxed about competing this year. I believe the unit and Hypno-Peripheral tapes really helped me tune in to how to put myself in a relaxed yet focused state of mind. Your support was greatly appreciated!"

- Janis McCaffrey

"I am the fastest, I am the fastest, I am taking the last turn, I come in first!" Christine Boudrias is a member of the Canadian National Speed Skating Team, with a silver medal from the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer competing in the 3000 meter speed-skating event. Christine is now not only a world-class skater but an avid believer in brainwave entrainment. Some time ago, Christine was tragically injured in an accident during competition, when another skater's blade became embedded in her thigh. Christine almost lost her life that day. In an attempt to heal the emotional wounds of the traumatic experience, Christine tried many different styles of treatment, including a floatation bath. One day, during recovery, Christine was introduced by a friend to the DAVID Paradise. Christine tried it, and from that day forward she was hooked. Now she won't go anywhere without it! "I now use it (DAVID Paradise) twice a day, once in the morning to get a good start and another in the evening just before I begin training, in order to give me the focus and energy I need. I also use it to help get rid of my negative thoughts, and to visualize my courses for competition. I had my DAVID when I went to Lillehammer but, I was visualizing Sylvie Daigle and Nathalie Lambert passing me. I recognized my error and have corrected it. Now, I see myself running and winning", said Christine. I asked Christine how she would feel if the batteries in the DAVID went dead, would she panic? "No, with the DAVID I have learned to relax and to visualize, it is a marvelous little machine but, you still have to do your part. It is not a miracle, I could have achieved a similar sensation myself, but I am lazy and the results are much quicker with the Paradise".

- Olympic Skater, Christine Boudrias, Has Become a DAVID Enthusiast!

"A ROCKY ROAD TO VICTORY – Thompson Rolls to Digital Title Gordon, Joe. The Boston Herald. September 16, 1991 CONCORD - In the 1960s, they called what Rocky Thompson did yesterday an LSD trip. In the high-tech 1990s, they call it a PGA trip – right to the winner's circle of the $400,000 Digital Seniors' Classic at Nashawtuc Country Club. Thompson shot a 70 in yesterday's final round to finish at 11-under-par 205 and out duel Lee Trevino and Bruce Crampton, winning his second tournament in 622 combined Tour events and pocketing $60,000. Thompson, 51, then made a revelation. He announced he had been hooked up to a space-age sound-light relaxation machine all week, and the device had helped him retain his poise. Whether the machine works or not, no one can deny Thompson looked awfully calm when he flopped a wedge inside 10 feet on the final hole. It rolled dead center for the birdie that gave him a 1-stroke victory over Crampton, whose 4-under-par 68 just ahead of Thompson put him on the board at 10 under, worth $35, 000. Gartner (a business partner of Thompson's) explained the machine covers the ears and eyes, makes sounds and makes the wearer see colors. The only color Thompson wanted to see was green as in $355,472 , 10th on the money list. Gartner said the machine has been researched for 20 years and taps into an Alpha, Theta or Delta wave state of consciousness. He said it affects the optic nerve and auditory canal and has aided learning-disabled students. Thompson, who did a push dance when the birdie putt dropped, simply called it a "Mo-chine" and insisted he was far more relaxed down the stretch than he had been in other tournaments."

- Rocky Thompson Digital Seniors' Classic Champion

"Bless that machine," said Thompson. "I was far more relaxed than I was before in similar situations; normally my hands would be a little jittery, but I noticed on the back nine that I was completely calm. It's strange."


"Concord, Mass – If there'd been a power outage at the Vista Hotel last Sunday morning, Bruce Crampton might have become the Digital Seniors' Classic Champion. But there wasn't, and he is not. The crown instead rests on the head of Hugh Delane Thompson, a 90's kind of guy who spent his final hours at tournament headquarters doing all the electronically correct things. About 8:30 in the morning, Rocky Thompson plugged himself into a contraption called the Paradise light/sound machine for 30 minutes of chilling out, prior to leaving for Nashawtuc Country Club to protect a one-shot lead over Lee Trevino and Al Geilberger. Rocky's longtime pal, John Garter, the man who turned Toco, Texas's mayor onto the relaxation device earlier in the week, later talked of theta waves, balancing the hemispheres of the brain and how the machine benefited Down's Syndrome kids and people with learning disabilities"

- Murphy, Tim. Golf World. September 20, 1991. p.56